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Thread: What Concerns Me is........

  1. #1

    Default What Concerns Me is........

    In the hotsellers list there are people with little more than 100 feedback, they have 400+ auctions running and have been members for a year or more.

    I've only been here a few days but that gives me bad vibes as a seller. Why? Because it's taken them a year or so of running huge amounts of auctions to get only a few sales.

    I'm selling clothing here and even though there's very little competition for the items I'm selling, the traffic to my store is absolutely minimal. On ebay I had 25 auctions running twice a week and was getting 100+ feedback per month.

    For those of you that know ebid better than I do, I'd appreciate any advice on what I can do to increase my store traffic..... Thanks in advance.

    Regards, Franky

  2. #2
    Forum Saint HannaHolly's Avatar
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    I've just responded on another thread but i'll add a bit here too comparing ebid to ebay isn't a valid comparison.
    The business model I use on ebid is much more similar to the model I use on Amazon. e.g for every 100 books I have listed at any time I expect to get one sale. If I tried this model on ebay I would be bankrupt! ( i very rarely list on ebay) but here on ebid i can make the most of what ebid can offer me as a seller. Most ebid sellers also sell on other sites (and or their own website) and make the best of what each site has to offer.

  3. #3
    Forum Saint cmjewels925's Avatar
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    Hi Frankie,

    I think the 'Hot Sellers' is a bit misleading; all it means is that if you have had a sale in the past 24 hours and have a picture on your 'about me' page, you have a chance of featuring in the random selection of hot sellers.

    There are loads of threads with good advice for promoting your business on eBid, some will work for you and some won't. The only quickie for the Christmas market is to let your previous customers know where you are and hope that they follow you.

    Once you get yourself established you can get a good volume of sales here and you keep more of the profit. As HH said, "comparing ebid to ebay isn't a valid comparison," but I'll compare them anyway. I can keep 2,000 items listed here all year round - on eBay, I'd be bankrupt if I did that. I only list on eBay during peak times or if they have a decent promotional discount. Obviously, I'm listing on eBay at the moment (but only around 100 of my best selling items) and so far this month my auction sales are split 63% eBid 37% eBay. On the other hand, this month's fees are split 9% eBid 91% eBay. So, there is hope.

    As regards your listings in particular, you seem to be in a catch 22 situation. You say Henri Lloyd don't allow internet auction sales so you are listing those items with asterisks. If you list an item as Henri Lloyd, you run the risk of them contacting eBid to request they end the listing. However, if you list it as H**ri L**yd, not only will it not show up in searches for Henri Lloyd, it would also make me think it was a counterfeit item and it would cast doubt on your other items. Maybe the best course would be to concentrate on your other lines?

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  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by Franky1932 View Post
    In the hotsellers list there are people with little more than 100 feedback, they have 400+ auctions running and have been members for a year or more.

    I've only been here a few days but that gives me bad vibes as a seller. Why? Because it's taken them a year or so of running huge amounts of auctions to get only a few sales.

    I'm selling clothing here and even though there's very little competition for the items I'm selling, the traffic to my store is absolutely minimal. On ebay I had 25 auctions running twice a week and was getting 100+ feedback per month.

    For those of you that know ebid better than I do, I'd appreciate any advice on what I can do to increase my store traffic..... Thanks in advance.

    Regards, Franky
    There are a number of threads on improving visibility of your listings.
    One thing you can do is vary your listing formats.
    In a seach on eBid, items that "Count Down" come first, depending on the number of days left, Items that a Run Til Sold come next, Item that are On First Bid, come last, until they have a bid, then they count down as usual.

    to get your items uploaded to Google Products
    Quoted from Gazza's post today
    If you wish your items to be included in our uploads make sure they are :
    1) Legal
    2) have a BuyNow price
    3) Have at least 7 days remaining OR are On First Bid OR are Run Until Sold at 5am on the 8th, 18th and 28th of each month.

    So it's best to use some "Count Down" to increase visibility of your items on the eBid, but also making sure at least some of them also fulfill the criteria for Google Uploads.

    These might help as well



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