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Thread: Why does ebid not have main stream advertising

  1. #71

    Default Re: Why does ebid not have main stream advertising

    yeah some good suggestions there, this was list by my son who is using the ebid app, so dodgy thumb movements on the input,
    so for eg,
    dell latitude d610, windows xp, celron 1ghz cpu, 512mb ram, dvd
    should written as placed as
    dell latitude d610 windows xp celron 1ghz cpu 512mb ram dvd
    the comma's create confusion for google and more than likely over look the key words in a search, please with a fuller style description, more pix to, ok take that on board, will give that a go i am all for learning new tricks lol
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  2. #72

    Default Re: Why does ebid not have main stream advertising

    Here is the new and improved advert

    so any more suggestions, i will take this onboard with all other auctions i have,
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  3. #73

    Default Re: Why does ebid not have main stream advertising

    Quote Originally Posted by baconbuttyman View Post
    so for eg,
    dell latitude d610, windows xp, celron 1ghz cpu, 512mb ram, dvd
    should written as placed as
    dell latitude d610 windows xp celron 1ghz cpu 512mb ram dvd
    And could be even better written as:

    Dell Latitude d610 laptop computer Windows XP 1ghz Celeron CPU 512 MB RAM DVD

    (looks long, but is still 77 of the 80 allowed characters for titles)

    It will now also catch anyone searching for:

    "Dell laptop"
    "Laptop XP"

    And a few other things. Some people will already know which model they want. Some people will just know they are looking for an inexpensive laptop. You want to try to reach both. Also, double check that your spelling of key technical words is correct, for example "celron" is actually "celeron."

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  4. #74
    Forum Diehard squern's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why does ebid not have main stream advertising

    Looks a hundred times better now.

    If I put measurements in a listing, I use inches and millimetres - 3" (75mm).
    Americans use inches, as do a lot of people in the UK. Europeans and people with technical backgrounds use millimetres.
    Centimetres is an odd gauge, neither big enough or small enough to give an idea of actual size - that's what I think, anyway.

    I suppose someone will contradict me.

    The beer stein tag is a good idea.
    Hope this helps

  5. #75

    Default Re: Why does ebid not have main stream advertising

    I see the sense in quality listings and wording skills of titles, makes sense, will try that in future
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  6. #76
    Forum Diehard rokins_toys's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why does ebid not have main stream advertising

    For those pulling fictional sums of money out of thin air regarding advertising I will make the following points:

    1: I never stated eBid should advertise on the radio in every country they have a site. Radio advertising is something eBid will need to build up too via the increased revenue from fvf's after advertising in selected British national newspapers has taken place to bring in the medium and bigger business sellers while at the same time bringing in a bigger customer base because eBid's current advertising is aimed solely at attracting businesses like myself to find sales a stagnant for the majority due to a lack of both choice of items and lack of customers. Just because you may sell stamps, coins, or whatever small cheap items and are doing well, you are not the majority whom are suffering from stagnant sales.
    2: I never stated eBid should advertise in every single national newspaper of every country they have a site in. Even to advertise the way I suggest would not cost £65,000 (got to have a good laugh at peoples figures when they've done zero research). I also never stated that eBid should advertise every week of every month of the year. eBid can start out small, selecting one or two national newspapers soley in Great Britain to begin with quarterly adverts get things started and to start grabbing the attention of the medium and bigger businesses you whine about eBid should attract here but do not come here because of the lack of shoppers aimed advertising and stagnant sales.

    I am in contact with someone from the advertising department of the Daily Star/Daily Express national newspapers. So I am getting real information and real prices on things. There are different sections in these two newspapers to choose from to place adverts, lifestyle, sport etc.

    A quarter page adverts once every three months (every quarter) will run eBid £1,100 + VAT. That's 4 adverts per year for one newspaper which is £4,400 + VAT. If eBid did not waste money on giving away items for free in buddy point auctions then this targeted small scale advertising in a national newspaper is well within their means especially given their existing revenue from global final value fees.

    Some may think it is unfair for me to suggest that eBid solely advertises the British side of things to begin with, but the reality is, they are a British based company so it does not matter where in the world YOU are based, your fees go to a British based company regardless of anything. It makes sense to advertise the British side of things in Britain first and build up slowly from there.

    As above, eBid could very easily afford to run quarterly adverts in two of the most popular national newspapers in Great Britain, the Daily Star and the Daily Express. And the final quarterly advert would coincide with the run up to Christmas. You do not need to advertise day in day out, week in week out of every month of the year like some people obviously jump to conclusions and think everyone must mean eBid should spend millions on advertising in one go. No. You do not need to do that. You start off small. You pick two of the best selling newspapers in Great Britain, run quarterly adverts in both of them.

    This does two crucial things for eBid;

    1: Targeting Shoppers: It grabs the attention of the medium and bigger businesses whom are not currently on eBid because they can see that eBid is now targeting their advertising towards shoppers. This increases traffic to eBid obviously from a shopper point of view, but traffic is irrelevant if the choice and volume of items is not available on eBid that shoppers are looking for. Most importantly, this puts eBid in the public conscious when they think about shopping online for something so instead of bypassing external search engines like google etc. such shoppers will come to eBid and do an internal search like they would when they normally go to eBay or Amazon first because at this moment in time they do not know eBid exist. These quarterly adverts puts eBid in the minds of those shoppers.

    2: Targeting Medium and Big business sellers: The newspaper advertising is twofold. It attracts shoppers and it attracts businesses. As above, businesses of varying sizes will see that eBid is advertising in a public way which gets ebid into the minds of online shoppers therefore businesses of varying sizes will start taking eBid more seriously as a selling platform and decide to give things a go here, be it their first time, their second or third time if they have been here before and given up because of the stagnant sales. You will never get the varying businesses here offering the multitude of various items and large volumes of items unless they see real advertising - tempting them with low fees is irrelevant if the shoppers/sales volume they require is not here - advertising fixes this.

    So for under £10,000 for one year, eBid can advertise in two of Great Britain's biggest selling newspapers on a quarterly basis - one advert in both newspapers every three months. This will start things off. It will help slowly build eBid up to the next level in Britain. If eBid advertised on this small scale yet targeted level, business sellers like me would see an increase in sales on eBid which will generate revenue for me which I can then invest in other lines that I would like to stock for sale on eBid via my store which would then increase my sales further finally helping me build the online side of my business. It will create additional revenue for eBid itself that ebid does not currently have because the volume of sales for the majority is so small and stagnant.

    ebid has focused for too long on attracting sellers and doing very little to attract shoppers. You cannot have one without the other. No wide selection of items, no volume in individual items that people may buy two or three of at a time, then you reduce the number of shoppers and sales. The only way to get the selection and volume of items required is via the business sellers. To get the business sellers like myself and keep us here, we need the volume of sales. To get the volume of sales you need the shoppers. To bring in both businesses and shoppers/sales, you need advertising.

    eBid is not a car boot sale site where you can stick up rubbish made signs on lampposts. eBid is not a place where the majority of customers (shoppers) from around the country sit around in the real world having a coffee over lunch talking about eBid and what they bought here. 99.99% of shoppers do not communicate with each other. Fliers in packages you send out only reach one person guaranteed - the customer whom has just bought something from you - the chance of them reading the flier, the chance of the keeping the flier and the chance of them recommended eBid to someone else they actually know is so tiny you need an electron microscope to see it. These little tactics do not work for the majority. I see posts all the time advising do this that and the other, well guess what, they do not work for the majority. I am lucky in a way, I do sell toys, and they are collectible, so I have a handful of regular customers who have probably chatted to each other via collector sites without even knowing it and one of my regular customers has mentioned me on eBid in the forums of a Star Wars collector site and guess what? It did bugger all for my sales.

    Advertising on the level I suggest will work for the majority of sellers. Advertising will ultimately benefit all sellers whether they'd admit it or not and some are too self-opinionated, ignorant and arrogant to admit when they are wrong because they are the type of losers whom have to be right about everything and do not like being wrong and they like to attack other peoples ideas when ironically they have no ideas of their own and nothing actually useful and beneficial to add to anything. All they have is negative opinions because they live in their little world of delusional self importance and jump to assumptions and conclusions without actually doing some research to find out prices of advertising etc.

    Next stop, I will be speaking to Heart FM in the Midland's to find out their rates. Radio advertising for the short-term will probably be outside of ebid's budget but after advertising on the level I suggest in two of Britain's national newspapers, eBid might be able to afford a radio advert around Christmas time next year due to the increase in revenue from fvf's from the increase in actual sales. It's called starting small, building things up and expanding as you go, taking chances.

    And if you cannot be bothered to read this then you're opinion is definitely irrelevant and not required and will be ignored at every level. Keep your unambitious small minded negative opinions to yourself and let those of us whom want the online side of our selling to be a success have our ambitions....
    “Doing business without proper advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark. You know what you are doing but nobody else does and the girl doesn't even know you're winking at her either."

  7. #77

    Default Re: Why does ebid not have main stream advertising

    I agree still that eBid needs to advertise, how ever, taking some of the advise on board that people have given me has produced results in a way, i have gone through all my ads and upgraded the titles to include key words and upgraded the description and pictures for more detail etc, some of my products for sale have had 0 views for weeks, but since improving the quality of ads, i have no auctions with 0 views, some even doubled, i am monitoring this closely, I understand that eBid can be seen two ways, as an auction site like ebay, or as a platform, most who join are lead to believe it is a competitor of ebay, in reality it isnt, a new member cannot be blamed for thinking that cos in reality, who actually reads the user agreememnts to any site, not me!!!!!!!, but i been here 10 years, when eBid was aimed at auctions etc and was supposed to be a competitor to ebay, but now, it's more of a competitor to Amazon
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  8. #78
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    Default Re: Why does ebid not have main stream advertising

    There is a lot of food for thought in Rokin's latest post. In the spirit of constructive debate, not criticism, I would like to make a few points.

    Why choose Heart radio? Is it because they are midlands based? It might be worth looking at other commercial radio stations from the viewpoint of number of distribution of listeners including how many listen on line. I make this last suggestion because Rokin makes the point that radio advertising covers a larger area than the geographical area covered by the station because of online listeners.

    Why choose the Daily Star and Daily Express? In the circulation figures these papers are 4th and 5th in the table. Hoever, circulation is distorted by free distribution by various organisations. In the table of readership these two papers are 7th and 8th. In both tables the top three papers are the Sun, the Daily Mail and the Mirror. Perhaps these three are much more expensive to advertise in. Could it be that they are both owned by Richard Desmond .

  9. #79

    Default Re: Why does ebid not have main stream advertising

    Quote Originally Posted by tony41 View Post
    There is a lot of food for thought in Rokin's latest post. In the spirit of constructive debate, not criticism, I would like to make a few points.

    Why choose Heart radio? Is it because they are midlands based? It might be worth looking at other commercial radio stations from the viewpoint of number of distribution of listeners including how many listen on line. I make this last suggestion because Rokin makes the point that radio advertising covers a larger area than the geographical area covered by the station because of online listeners.

    Why choose the Daily Star and Daily Express? In the circulation figures these papers are 4th and 5th in the table. Hoever, circulation is distorted by free distribution by various organisations. In the table of readership these two papers are 7th and 8th. In both tables the top three papers are the Sun, the Daily Mail and the Mirror. Perhaps these three are much more expensive to advertise in. Could it be that they are both owned by Richard Desmond .
    I think the choices that Rokin states are inconsequential, the point he is making is that advertising is essential for the longevity of any platform, If people continue to come here and continue to find that they are not selling items then they will leave, simple as that!!!
    I do get why sellers are told to self promote, i do get that, but that will be a very small minority who actually do, with out attracting buyers, then the sellers wont expand very well and the product lines wont either
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  10. #80
    Forum Saint bluebedouin's Avatar
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    Default Re: Why does ebid not have main stream advertising

    Quote Originally Posted by rokins_toys View Post
    ..... Even to advertise the way I suggest would not cost £65,000 (got to have a good laugh at peoples figures when they've done zero research).....
    Quote Originally Posted by rokins_toys View Post
    Edit: Before the ignorant, arrogant, naïve people jump on their self-opinionated podium of delusional self-importance,.......
    Seems to be a bit of pot & kettle here.Did you actually bother to look at the thread I referred to? I researched those figures in 2009 (then added a bit more for inflation) If the website had still been running I'd have done an update with more accurate figures.

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