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Thread: We used to be a Nation of Dog Lovers. How did it get to this?

  1. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by dobewoman View Post
    Sorry but they are 100% wrong, I know so many dobe owners/breeders and dobes have the wrong shaped jaws for a start. And as I said before there is much controvosy about whether jaw locking actually takes place. Yes there are certain breeds (fighting breeds usually) who are more tenacious when biting and will hold on regardless but if you google jaw locking in dogs you will see that it is mainly a myth, brought about by the same sort of people who are for BSL.
    Thanks for that link, I must admit it's what I was told when we had a bull terrier x when I was growing up. I can also remember reading about it in "White Fang", it seemed to be the general opinion back then.
    Our bully x died aged 14, back in 1975 & I've not given that info any real thought until I saw something posted a few months back re dobies, hence I asked somebody who had had Dobies & Rotties all her life.

    Quote Originally Posted by tonyreddevil View Post
    I am a dog lover.
    I have a rescued Greyhound called Shelly.
    She as attacked 4 dogs.
    But on the plus side she is so good with Childeren.
    She as been invited to Christies hospital At Manchester.For the terminally ill children to focus on.But i have no time to go.
    But all these Pit bull type probably were not around in such big numbers 20 years ago!
    And the (Breed Specific) Dangerous Dogs Act has been around 19 years.

    Before that I cannot remember there being "Status Dogs".

    That is the whole reason most of the Animal Welfare Charities, & the Veterinary Profession would like to see the law changed, away from Breed Specific Legislation with the emphasis on "Punish the Deed NOT the Breed".

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  2. #12
    Forum Lurker dobewoman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gothicina View Post
    The link may only be a blog, but the Quote referencing extending the DDA to other breeds is taken from the Defra Consultation Document.

    Section 66 is on page 18 of the 30 page document.
    The document is just a consultation so people can express their opinions there has always been people against any breed of dog and always will. This is nothing new at all.They have to be seen to be fair.
    Look at the 1st page of the document. Particularly no. 3
    Part III: Proposed actions
    Possible options:
    1) An extension of criminal law (i.e. section 3 of the 1991 Act) to all places, including
    private property
    2) Additions or amendments to (including possible repeal of) section 1 of the 1991 Act
    3) Repeal of the 1997 Dangerous Dogs Act to prevent any more prohibited types of dog
    being added to the Index

    Other options for consideration:
    4) The introduction of Dog Control Notices
    5) A requirement that all dogs are covered by third-party insurance
    6) A requirement that all dogs, or puppies, are microchipped
    7) More effective enforcement of the existing law, including a consolidation of existing
    statutes into one new updated Act

    Defra know that the DDA is out of date, it was said to be up for renewel/revision a few years ago. The problem will not come from Defra but from local authorities who have the power to implement dog restrictions on their tenants. Which is what happened in Ireland and thousands of us fought, petitioned and emailed etc against it.

    hence I asked somebody who had had Dobies & Rotties all her life

    I have owned a car all my life but only know how to keep the thing filled with petrol. Even the Kennel Club (and I have scant regard for most of their ethics regarding breeding) have it on their website that it is a myth. KC on Dangerous Dogs
    Rumours about ‘Lock Jaw’ in Pit Bull Terrier Type Dogs
    Scientific research has proven that the pit bull terrier and related breeds are physiologically no different from any other breed of dog. Dr Lehr Brisbin and colleagues at the University of Georgia have shown that there is nothing in the skeletal structure of the pit bull terrier jaw that is any different from that of any other dog in respect to locking.

    Going back to your original post, what are the police supposed to do with all the dogs that have been illegally bred and used for status or weapons? Keep them in kennels for the rest of their lives and watch them go downhill?
    The owners have 2 months to provide all the details and agree to the conditions that go with having this type of dog and they can have the dog back.

    Do you not think that the breeders and buyers should be held accountable for the welfare of the dogs they have? I hate the thought of dogs being PTS but sometimes it is a kindness and a necessity.
    That story was mainly one persons point of view (not a nice one I agree) but thats all it was. What would you prefer £10m (I thnk that was the figure being banded about) being spent on keeping dogs that are going to have a miserable life in kennels or £10m spent on more law enforcement?

    But all these Pit bull type probably were not around in such big numbers 20 years ago!
    Not in such large numbers true, but the DDA came about because of the ferocity and increasing amount of attacks from these types.
    For what it's worth and imho I think the DDA was brought in to try and stop joe bloggs getting his hands on these types before they became too popular, but all it succeeded in doing was driving it underground and upping the status of owning one of them.

    As for your Shelley what a fantastic job and life she has. An owner who rescued her, understands her faults but uses her good side. She proves that dog aggression doesn't necessarily mean human aggression.

    These are the type of people who should be targeted imo
    Illegal sellers
    Last edited by dobewoman; 18th May 2010 at 06:29 AM. Reason: New Link

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