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Our Lovely Family of Schnauzers

These are our lovely family of Schnauzers, we have a little girl arriving end of feb/march next year to join us. will make it number 7 :)

Sorry if you click on photo they open up Huge, will try to sort this
  1. Hattie poseing  majaz
  2. jasper, ella, mabel the beautiful 3 biggies majaz
  3. Charlie at mums 2010
  4. pretty mabel majaz
  5. ahhhhhhhhh Hattie  majaz
  6. hugo majaz
  7. Hatts and ella majaz
  8. jasper bed majaz
  9. ella lovely majazzi
  10. hugo garden majaz
  11. Hugo the cutie MAJAZ
  12. CHARLIE the model majaz
  13. sleepy hats  majaz
  15. charlies bed majaz
  16. ella a grumpy day majaz
  17. Jasper head shot  majaz
  18. Mabel and Hugo together majaz
  19. my girl mabel 2010
  20. sweet hatts majaz
  21. hugo on run majaz
  22. hugo baby  majaz
  23. Hattie 20910 MAJAZ
Showing photos 1 to 23 of 23
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