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Thread: Help with Chanel!

  1. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by Glam4Less View Post
    I have just finished dealing with a VERY aggrivating situation on the dark side. I bought an authentic Chanel belt at a estate sale. So naturally, I listed it on the dark side - this was before i found ebid. a girl bought it for 300 , which is a good deal, as this belt is vintage and very hard to come by. The belt was a three chain belt with three discs that has the cc logo and black enamel in the background. You could very clearly see all of this in the listing, and even zoom in on the pictures that showed the cc made in france stamps on the back. She filed a claim with PayPal - who is DEFINATLY not a pal at all - saying it was not authentic. In her email to me she said in HER OPINION that it was not authentic because the black enamel was slightly out of the lines on the discs. You can see all of this detail in the listing! So needless to say now that greedbay owns paypal, they automatically ruled in favor of this person, who has sold hundreds more than me, and just "bought it to turn around and sell it again". Paypal did not even give me a chance to fax in any documentation or make my case at all! I am so fed up! They just automatically believed what she said. So now I want to list it on here to sell, but I am scared to list anything with a designer name. I had three ghd's that I won at a liquidation auction and now I can't sell them anywhere because of all of the counterfiet items. Am I the only one who has this problem? Shouldnt there be some kind of protection for those of us who have the real deal? Does anyone know a place that can verify my chanel belt's authenticity? I am so aggrivated and will not be dealing with name brand items anymore unless i have a reciept. And what I dont get is when it seems like my listings are being removed and not others'.
    yes if you want to get it authenticated go to purse forum.com they are good and fast and can help you with the authentic

  2. #12


    Hi I have had many a problem with feebay and have had a couple of buyers claim back their money and i have lost out. one was witth a watch i sold-all genuine, brand new condition and nothing wrong with it-the buyer then received it and automatically opened a dispute saying not as described!!! they then claimed that it had stones missing! they sent me pics of it and i could see the marks where they had "gauged" them out! i had to send her refund for her to then send me watch which was then damaged in post by royal mail so i then claimed from royal mail but they wont pay out saying it was not properly packed-which is not true! in meantime the buyer had her refund, left me neg feedack saying they never got-again not true-and calling me a liar-again so untrue-and feebay wont do anything. annother case i bought an item and seller sent wrong one so they said send back and they would refund. i sent back, they singed for and low and behold no refund.opened case on paypal but closed this one in error instead of watch one-paypal wouldnt reopen so i lost my money, seller has my money and is doing it to everyone when u read their feeedback. it looks like feebay may be doing somethin about it as they no longer list items from this seller.
    in the meantime i have put a genuine item on ebid and they have withdrawn it saying fake!!!! this is not true as i wouldnt dream of selling a fake. yet i can see on here sellers from china/usa selling 3-4 items of same thing and getting away with it-surely buyers arent falling for this-how can someone in china sell 3 items the same of jewellery saying they are real-this is where fakes are prime-they knock them out for a few dollars and sell them for hundreds.
    sorry but something is wrong here-it makes us genuine sellers bad and we cant sell genuine designer items. from this original posting and others in it i feel sorry for them-we are all in same boat and because of fakers out there we get ripped off and left in this position.
    i give up!!!! where is justice in it and what can we do?

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