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Thread: bring down feebay and make ebid number one

  1. #1
    Forum Newbie
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    Default bring down feebay and make ebid number one

    impressive title i know im planning on takeing over the world next..

    Just a couple of suggestions these may of already ben tried but from looking at them there not working..

    FAcebook and myspace are two of the big social networking sites they also have huge advertising potentilal so why is it that everyone on here is not a member. the facebook profile only has 160 members most people have an average of 100 friends on facebook so for everyone that joins this group it means another 100 people see it. secondly whoever runs the ebid facebook you have a screen shot of the website but it isnt very good what about having a picture of the gold medal instead saying we are the best alternative to feebay.

    this is more of a question than anything what stops us recruiting sellers from ebay all we need to get is there email address and email them tell them about ebid and that we want to make it as big as possible but without people listing stuff it aint gonna get any bigger even if we can get sellers just to list 10 items for free this would help because you drive buyers here at the minute and 90% of the stuff they want they cant find.

    also can we use google adwords with ebid ???? so lets say i open a store i have my own url can i add this to google to drive traffic to my store and to ebid. if not is there anyway we can donate to ebid to do an addwords campaign

    just trying to think of ways to really push ebid as had enough of feebay.
    Last edited by tomstotsltd; 21st March 2009 at 11:40 AM.

  2. #2


    I intended to start a MySpace page for my bookstore last week - for some reason it refused me permission ! Will try again this week.

    I already have a MySpace music page, and from the experience of that I'd say that using the blog facility is a useful advertising tool. If you pick your subject categories carefully, you can get quite a lot of views. And - more to the point - you can post a direct link to your store in it !

    I have another music site on virb.com... could probably do a store one on there too... haven't checked yet. Not a great deal of action on there, but seems to be a lot more Europeans.

  3. #3


    As I said before, old feebay is a dinosaur that is just about ready to fall into the tar pits -- lets give it a push!!

    Important point made, your past customers are like gold. Bring them here, it helps all of us. i.e. I left feebay with 5000 customer names/addresses (feebay was reluctant to let us have buyer's email addresses but Paypal record of sale does have the emails!). So I had some cheap colored postcards printed by Office Depot ($30 - heavy colored cardstock cut in quarters with printing one side), and sent them out to all my good customers, recent customers, those who bought many items etc. Sent the card via email to lots of people too.

    Cost prohibited sending to 5000 but I must have guessed right becase some buyers did come over and start buying from me! Lets say EACH seller on ebid (500,000+) got two feebay buyers to follow them, that is 1,000.000 new buyers coming over, ouch!!! That has gotta hurt!!

    Postcards are handy, like big business cards. I hand them out at auctions, at the postoffice, any time the subject of feebay or ebid comes up. Good size to hang on the supermarket bulletin board, etc. Good way to generate sales and plug ebid.

    Oh, and my website directs buyers to ebid (to check out my ebid auctions and stores), and since it comes up well on searches, that is another source of bringing people over to ebid too.

  4. #4

    Smile feebay to ebid

    i'm new to ebid and just opened a store. i sent out 100 emails to former ebay customers. i have yet to see a sale. i'm keeping my fingers crossed.

  5. #5


    Hi ndcmotorsports and welcome to eBid you may find a read of this thread may help you get started, http://helpdesk.ebid.net/showpost.ph...postcount=6223
    Just shout if you need a hand, additional body parts are available by special order

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    and check out my other stores

    Ken's Cave

    Fantastic Fotos Store

  6. #6


    Welcome to ebid. Good luck to you.
    Last edited by florida33549; 20th April 2009 at 05:31 PM.

  7. #7


    Welcome to ebid and good for you on contacting your old customers from feebay!! It does take them a while to come over but just getting one or two really good ex-feebayers is enough to get your sales going and feedback increased.

    As Ken mentioned there are some listing tricks that will get you selling faster, follow those links and current forums. Lets you hit the ground running as far as sales go.

    good luck,

  8. #8
    Forum Saint klj's Avatar
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    Welcome, and thank you for sharing your ideas. Another place we are promoting eBid is on Flickr. There are several groups, but you might want to join here as a start.

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