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Thread: Facebook Ads

  1. #1

    Cool Facebook Ads

    I have just registered for Facebook Ads with a limit on my pay per click spend... vital as my items are generally low value

    I'm kinda excited about it but will wait and see and report back

    Does anyone have any experience of these ???


  2. #2


    I got $50 worth of free Facebook ads when I signed up for my website. I think it got spent up in about a week. I didn't keep it ongoing as I still have the microsoft ads too. Neither of which have brought in sales but traffic always helps.

  3. #3

    Wink Traffic without sales??

    Thanks for the input, last time I looked (last night) i think there had been one click-through and of course I'll be monitoring it as time goes by.

    I think in any case I'll have to play with the scales and see what (if anything) works with the ads and look at google ads, microsoft ads etc

    It would be interesting to see what would happen over a longer period so I might stick with it for a bit to see if I can establish an idea of the rate of conversion from click-through to sale then, if that doesn't pay, maybe it would be time to market something higher in value to justify the ad spend.

    To be totally honest it's fun trying to work it all out

  4. #4
    Forum Master harold69's Avatar
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    If you are going to pay to advertise, you should sell worldwide. I just looked at your auctions, but can't buy because you won't ship to USA.

  5. #5


    I forgot to mention that the keywords are vital and you should add as much as possible that is related to your items. They shouldn't be in sentences but rather words that people would do a search on when looking for stuff like yours.
    From personal experience, Facebook ads got more clicks and got spent up faster but Microsoft ads have very friendly and helpful support service. They called me out of the blue and led me through what I could do to improve my ads. (That took about approximately 30 minutes) They taught me alot of what I had had found confusing prior...not that I'm much wiser now...lol Now THAT is what I call awesome service!
    So if you still keep getting just the one clicks, try working on your keywords and as harold mentioned, you would get more traffic if the buyers base was wider and more diverse.

  6. #6

    Smile Postage Rates to the United States

    Thanks for the reply Harold I take your point.

    I did do some cursory research with UK shippers and didn't find a courier able, or rather, willing, to transport a parcel from here (Cardiff Wales UK) to the States for less than £20 thats $32.59 to you. Although thats the bigger items in my standard boxes.

    I really doubt that anyone would be crazy enough to spend triple the value of the goods on S&H or P&P (as we call it) and I would feel awful having someone ask for it and be given that extraordinary amount in their invoice.
    I will however re-research the smaller item costs and change the listings accordingly after your post. Here in the UK we are held somewhat to ransom on some things while the authorities look the other way.

    To answer Summerdreams, I recall only being able to select three keywords and being able to select that the ads are shown only on british pages but I'll look again at that. I was aware that the keywords are vital and mentioned in my other posts that their selection will take time to perfect! Your words will be ringing in my ears when I look again at the campaign

    I will of course have a look at the Microsoft ads having the foresaid in mind and thank you for bringing them to my and other ebidder forum readers attention. Watch this space )

  7. #7


    Thanks for the tips Harold and Summer, I have now looked again at foreign postage and it seems that I was a little early in my dismissal of the costs. It seems that my parcels constitute 'packets' within the dimension limits set for airmail by Royal Mail and I'll be resetting the listings accordingly and opening up my items to a worldwide market
    It seems the likely cost is going to be in the region of $8 to the US which Royal mail puts under 'rest of the world' ie.75% less than I originally thought.
    Thanks for your assistance guys

  8. #8


    You're welcome Anita and good luck with your ads and sales.

  9. #9


    Thank You Summerdreams

    a little addendum... I added a repatoo link to my ebay listings and thought the listing might be taken down but it's still there. Repatoo shows feedback from multiple auction sites - a mention of ebid right there in the dragons lair !!

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