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Thread: Auction Description Editor Is Not Working

  1. #121


    Carol / Jessica, Before you uninstail Firefox, could I check how you are trying to do copy and paste please. When I installed Firefox, I found I had the same problem as you. If I tried to use the right click on my moiuse and do things like copy and paste. Firefox would not let me do that. I tried to change my Firefox settings but never found the way to sort out the problem. However, I then discovered that if I use the edit button on the top tool bar on the Firefox screen, amd then use the copy and paste functionality behind the edit button, Firefox would allow me to copy and paste into the eBid listings. Might be worth a try if you have been trying to use the mouse right click but not the toolbar. Thanks, Robert

  2. #122


    Hi Robert

    When I right clicked the mouse on the pic I wanted to 'cut' a little box came up with Copy/Cut/Paste is not available in Mozilla and Firefox which TBH does seem daft

    It's telling me I have to modify my browser preferences ( which I assume happened to you ) and go into the Firefox profile directory ( which I can't for the life of me find ) I'm supposed to configurate things which I'm most reluctant to do as can't afford to replace my PC if I booger it all up!!

    I will try this 'edit' thing you've suggested and see what happens. I really can't believe that you can't copy/paste with Firefox though. It's ridiculous.

    I will be back in a while

  3. #123


    Robert you're a star

    It really works. I would never have thought of doing that in a million years.
    Admittedly I struggled with it and then silly me realised you had to 'click on the pic first'...doh!!

    There is always a way around everything, isn't there? You just have to come onto these Forums and someone will have the answer!

    Bless you! And thank you!

  4. #124

  5. #125


    Hi Trina

    This Firefox is AWESOME

    My work colleague has just shown me around the Thunderbird email thingy on Firefox and all 3 of my email accounts are all connected up together. It's amazing! I'm struggling a little bit in navigating around but I can see already that I'm going to like this

    I've downloaded several things including copy/paste so hopefully all will be well with listing items on eBid. Though I did notice that now 16 icons have disappeared from the WYSIWYG so there must still be a problem there from the 'update'.

    I'm no techie by a long shot but I think I can manage OK with it. It's like everything, something new just takes a bit of getting used to.

    Hope your cold soon clears up and you enjoy Christmas

  6. #126

    Default Fixing the Description Area Internet Explorer Problem

    You'll need to add ebid.net to your trusted sites list...
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