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  1. #11
    Forum Master TexasAda's Avatar
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    Dingledell2, regardless if you think the site is American oriented, may I point out to you that here you are able to offer or NOT offer your goods to any eBid member country's citizens with no additional charge, as I believe is incurred on the dark side.

    I live in the US. Since joining eBid, I estimate my sales have been approximately 50/50 UK/US. I have been very pleasantly surprised at the good work of both countries' postal systems, too. And I can buy things here not ordinarily available in the US.

    By the way, my avatar is one of my ancestors whose mother was born in Norfolk. Maybe you and I are distant cousins.
    Last edited by TexasAda; 12th December 2008 at 04:22 PM.

  2. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by dingledell2 View Post

    I feel that your company is all American oriantated and do not intend to advertise or help any U.K. British , English sellers market. alegerly

    I paid £49.99 for a service, which I have not received or cannot see in the near future of obtaining due to the lack of eBid support.
    I feel very strongly that I cannot see any support forthcoming; I therefore request a full refund of £ 49.99 plus out of pocket expences. Before I take any further action I would expect some compensation to be paid.

    Colin marsh dinmgledell2 books

    Well thanks for getting this started and being brave enough to speak up. When you get your attorney please have them contact us as well. Please let them know in advance that we would like to file a suit for the exact opposite reason - this site is anti-American. Yep realized right after we started up that the Americans were at a disadvantage...which is something we are not quite accustomed to.

    Also please let the attorney know we would like to sue someone for the current state of the ecomony. Who? It doesn't matter who, because that complaint would be as ridiculous as this.

    Also be informed that we are not pleased with the current weather conditions and I'm not sure who we should hold responsible for that, however I am certain there must be someone.

    Since we appear to be making ridiculous comments and focusing on putting the blame on other than where it should be...

    Here are a few other issues I would like to be compensated for:

    That lottery ticket that didn't win, yep I want my money back.

    That gas station fill I just paid for that was there yesterday and gone today....yep I want my money back.

    The money for those lovely black pants that don't fit anymore cause I ate too much chocolate......yep...I want my money back. While your at it see if you can get me the money back for the chocolate as well. I promise I will put the money to good use this time and go buy more chocolate.

    We would also like to be compensated for all the items we have listed at other venues, paid a fee and they did not sell. Wow we would be rich! Don't tell your attorney that thought, however please do get our money back.

    First and foremost I would appreciate it if you could arrange for your attorney to get us all at least a dime/pense for every whiner who complains because their business isn't doing well. It is your business and you need to do what is in the best interest of your business.

    Ebid is just another venue who offers an alternative marketing venue. How you use that to your benefit is up to you. There are countless sellers who are willing to assist adverting for the members in addition to the site itself. If you need help with a problem and you post it on the forum you will generally have an answer within minutes.

    If you need some input on how your site looks or what you can do to help enhance your listings members are willing to assist.

    Ebid is just another stepping stone on your way to success until you figure out what is going to work best for you. We want you to succeed and we are willing to do what we can in an effort to get you noticed. It doesn't happen over night, and before you leave here in a haste thinking the next place will be better...you may want to rethink that.

    Best of Luck and don't forget....have your attorney give me a call

  3. #13
    Forum Lurker Opis's Avatar
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    There's some really good advice on here and throughout the forums on how to publicise yourself. Ask questions if you're unsure of anything. This isn't *bay (as you can tell by the non-existant fees), so the advertising has to be done by us all

    I've just had a look at your listings , and following the previous posts of very good advice which will really help you, I'd like to share what I found.

    You sell books, but never put the authors name in the title. I collect books, and often search by just author.

    You have 5 stores, all selling books. However, you're stores are all mixed up book wise, and don't have a name, just "new store 1" ...... or "new store 2" etc. That tells me nothing about what you have to offer.

    Why not try something like:

    Dingledells Nature and Outdoor bookshop

    Dingledells fiction bookshop

    Dingledells Animals and pets bookshop

    Etc Etc, can you see what I mean?

    Or, because you don't have that many books (at the moment,) maybe just have two stores - fiction and non fiction, with lots of subcatagories in each, and then expand when you've listed more?

    Hope this helps, and good luck.

  4. #14
    Forum Diehard CrazyJay's Avatar
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    I can't find Dingledells listings. How do you do it please?

    For those who aren't fussy about filtering what I sell - Take a look at ALL my stuff above. - But for more specific listings, take a peek in the stores below.

    TOY-PALLOI - For all sorts of traditional playthings!

    THE PAPERBOYS PLEASURE - For Books & Magazines

    OUT ON THE FLOOR - For Records - (mainly 1950's - 60's)

    VIEWPOINT - Photographic Equipment

    THE SCRAPYARD - Spare parts for old cars and bikes

  5. #15
    Forum Lurker Opis's Avatar
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    Copy and paste the username in the start new search box at the top left hand corner of the page. Then, in the search all auctions column next to it click the pointed down arrow, no need to scroll down, just click on search username, and go from there

  6. #16


    Hi Astral
    You could be quite right, In a way I would like to be wrong, but where is EBid being advertised in the UK ?

    Ive spoken to so many other Auction users at the weekend's but they seem rather perplexed that EBid excist. fact

    If the general public dont know, we do'nt stand a chance of selling to other people outside the eBid community. Fact

    I've aked Gary COE, ebid before but I do belive my thread was pulled ?

    all I want is ebid to answer my question about advertising in the UK !

    Anyway; Sorry Astral to bend your ear .( 480 views Epson Cartridges ! )

    I agree wholehearterly, as the old saying goes look before you leap.

    Reality pills wow now your talking, do they work Astral ? but I still can't see eBid advertising for Ebiders in the UK

    Not to be unfriendly in anyway, but how can you sell to buyers if nobody knows that eBid excist's, this is what I'm trying to get over to ebid and Ebid users.
    Ive looked through a few auctions sales, they dont appear to be very good do they ? ( for the length of time dispalyed )
    Market stalls advertising: the local rag always gives the date and day.

    Youmeus. Your very kind views thank you.

    Can anybody in the UK using Ebid name me 5 Places Ebid has been advertised?

    I'm not knocking Ebid only what they havent done YET Gary HELP !!!

    Hi Kengillam, like your site, good area for photograph's Lee On solent Portsmouth got a good pic of the Ark Royal when she was in dock, do you sell your pics at the spinnaker Portsmouth. ? I had a look at a stall selling framed digi photographs in August 2008.

    To date thank you all for your replies and have put a bandage on where Asral bit me !

    Could I also say Happy christmas to you and your family, and a prospus New Year.

    I'll upload a few more books. Colin dingledell2 books

  7. #17
    Forum Diehard CrazyJay's Avatar
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    Thanks. That would have been quicker! - I searched through the 13 pages of people selling books - Tracked it down, then went through the various stores..... But GUESS WHAT? - I found a book that i wanted to get, so have made a purchase.

    maybe this whole thread was started as an ongoing store plug??????

    Oh well - It worked for me.

    For those who aren't fussy about filtering what I sell - Take a look at ALL my stuff above. - But for more specific listings, take a peek in the stores below.

    TOY-PALLOI - For all sorts of traditional playthings!

    THE PAPERBOYS PLEASURE - For Books & Magazines

    OUT ON THE FLOOR - For Records - (mainly 1950's - 60's)

    VIEWPOINT - Photographic Equipment

    THE SCRAPYARD - Spare parts for old cars and bikes

  8. #18


    Hand made baby Sets.
    You have'nt got a couple of bucks I could borrow ?
    The state of the acconomy my name isnt Brown Honest .
    What a brilliant reply
    Colin dingledell2 Books.

  9. #19
    Forum Saint
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    Quote Originally Posted by dingledell2 View Post
    Hi Astral
    You could be quite right, In a way I would like to be wrong, but where is EBid being advertised in the UK ?

    Search the forums, this information has been discussed many, many times. Clue: the answers included banner advertising online, newsprint, roadside hoardings, radio.

    Ive spoken to so many other Auction users at the weekend's but they seem rather perplexed that EBid excist. fact

    Sure, it's a smaller, less well known site that feebay. How long would you be able to sell on feebay for 50 quid? Did it not seem likely that there would be some sort of downside for the hefty reduction in fees?

    If the general public dont know, we do'nt stand a chance of selling to other people outside the eBid community. Fact

    No, I'm afraid that's just laziness. You can make your own efforts to advertise your listings here instead of just sitting back and expecting somebody else to do the work for you.

    I've aked Gary COE, ebid before but I do belive my thread was pulled ?

    These are user forums, not a direct channel of communication to any member of the ebid management.

    all I want is ebid to answer my question about advertising in the UK !

    As I said, the answers are all here. What you want is for somebody else to do the work for you. I'm afraid that this is the same approach that means you won't sell anything. Just try a bit of an attitude switch, it can be fun and rewarding. Get out there and sell.


    Not to be unfriendly in anyway, but how can you sell to buyers if nobody knows that eBid excist's, this is what I'm trying to get over to ebid and Ebid users.

    Neither ebid nor ebid users are generically stupid. If an entire group of people are unable to "understand", I think you should seriously consider that you might be mistaken, and step back and take another look. There's always somethinig new to be learned, don't you find?


    Could I also say Happy christmas to you and your family, and a prospus New Year.

    And a Merry Christmas and Prosperous New Year to you too.

    I'll upload a few more books. Colin dingledell2 books
    Good. The more you list, the better the chances. But you still need to think about doing some marketing. Have a read of the FAQ & Help pages in my sig, there's lots of ideas there gathered from the forums.
    Last edited by bykimbo; 12th December 2008 at 05:06 PM. Reason: typo!

  10. #20
    Forum Lurker nanny18's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Disilusioned?Wanting a refund

    I am in UK also. I disagree with you on this. Although i have only had 1 sale so far. 2nd one did not pay. I have had great support with my listings.I am or was a complete novice with this auction listings etc
    Still not very efficient but urged to persevere by some very supportive people on these forums. Do keep trying. I need to find out how to make a link to my stores.nanny18

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