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Thread: But, I make so many MORE sales on E-b*y! (or, why Ebid IS better for you.)

  1. #31
    Forum Saint ejean9's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by victorfrank View Post
    I do agree that when sales on eBid are comparable with eBay (not that eBid has to compete, in my view; it can have its own totally acceptable niche), then it is clear where the better deal will be for the seller.

    Maybe it is the nature of the business I am in, but particularly in the current economic times, I am less concerned with percentage profit and more concerned with the total amount of profit which I have at the end of a month, to invest in more stock, buy the necessities of life – food, pay bills, loose women etc. So, if I have £2000 net profit available to spend at the end of the month, I know that I can do a lot more with that than I can £20, even though I know that the £20 may represent a better percentage return on my money.
    not doing too great this weather VF...

  2. #32


    Hi there

    In April this year I looked at my figures too and came to the conclusion I was selling for the benefit of Geedbay and came over here. Started over...and I am a Happy bunny

    Sales slower and lower but I do get financial reward for my efforts and I don't dread the monthly invoice

    I am now in control again and I got some luverly friends on here

    Things can only get better ( Yer ! I Know! You heard that before somewhere with some political party! ) But I have survived three recessions now and I know they don't last forever
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  3. #33

  4. #34


    Quote Originally Posted by victorfrank View Post
    I do agree that when sales on eBid are comparable with eBay (not that eBid has to compete, in my view; it can have its own totally acceptable niche), then it is clear where the better deal will be for the seller.

    Maybe it is the nature of the business I am in, but particularly in the current economic times, I am less concerned with percentage profit and more concerned with the total amount of profit which I have at the end of a month, to invest in more stock, buy the necessities of life – food, pay bills, loose women etc. So, if I have £2000 net profit available to spend at the end of the month, I know that I can do a lot more with that than I can £20, even though I know that the £20 may represent a better percentage return on my money.
    I have to agree with this 100%, I am a private seller who is deep in debt, so I am selling off lots of items I no longer need to clear my massive debts. In the last couple of months I have used eB*y (only on cheap or free listing days) and sold nearly £500 worth of stuff, on here I have not sold anything since October (and the last sale I had wasn't even for me!).

    The items I have sold on the other side, the majority of them have been on sale over here and again the majority have been listed here a lot cheaper on here, but with no sales and lots haven't even had views.

    At the end of the day I need my items to sell to keep my head above water, so with regret I have to use the other side as well.
    Now selling Air Dry Clay click here.

  5. #35


    I can see the point Victor and likkle are making.. However. the little key that I did not really emphasize (and actually didnt even mention) was the fact that my sales have dropped from an average of 180/month to 3/month due to FeeBay's best match and search results.. over the last month I have had 4 sales in total, with all other things being equal - where the month before I hit 220 sales... and NOW is the usual christmas shopping season where I'd expect to see an *increase* in sales...

    In other words, listing all my items on FeeBay cost $200+ to make sales worth $80... and the trend is continuing now..

    Evidently, Feebay must have changed something recently that is having a huge, and very negative, impact on my sales figures... if I can't sell at FeeBay I may as well list here where it costs less.

    If you CAN achieve greater sales figures (even at the added expense) to build your bottom line, then more power to you, but for me, all of a sudden it went from "fairly good" to "downright mediocre" and if I continue the rest of this month at FeeBay, it does appear that my bottom line is going to be in red ink... which is NOT a good result.

    this is what led me to go work with my numbers and do a little exploration on why my listings were not getting the exposure they used to get... it seems the only ones whose listings really show up with any great visibility now are the really big sellers (who happen to be fronts for major retail chains) evidently being favored to get maximum exposure- Feebay is just turning into an Amazon Marketplace wannabe - and since Amazon already has a pretty solid lock on that market and business model, I seriously think FeeBay is headed for serious trouble.... It may get better in the future, but I'm not holding my breath -
    Many changes yet again, started a new venture, and you can watch my store grow here: Really Rural Woodworks

  6. #36


    Since this is how I make my living, I have not completely moved as yet. I do think I should have moved last Spring instead of this fall, but that's my fault. I had a sneaky suspiscion last Spring I should get some eggs out of the e**y basket. I am seeing a drastic reduction in sales over there. I don't know if it is the economy or the pay policy, but I am convinced it is at least one of those factors if not both. IMHO they have probably angered buyers with the pay policy and those people have left and won't be back.

    I have read that Amazo* is after e**y, so that is probably why they are pursuing the practices they are now.

    My plan is to build up my own site and use ebid for those items that need to be auctioned because of their scarcity. ebid definitely has the atmosphere and pricing to make this a great site, I think it will just take patience and some work on the sellers' part.
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