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Thread: Attention of gary c.o.e. E.bid

  1. #1

    Default Attention of gary c.o.e. E.bid

    HI Gary.
    Gary, Ive paid £49.99 to your company. Ive kept my eyes open in Australia, Sinapore. Honk Kong, and of course the Uk for any signs of EBid. Nothing.

    Please contact me If I'm wrong but E Bid seems to an obsure company, a lot of talk within the Forum but no action outside, I know a lot of eBayers, and enquire about EBid ; nobody seems to know you exsist.

    I'm looking for a return on my investment, and it doesnt seem to be forthcoming, I feel,that a conserted effort must be made to advertise strongly in the UK market, this surely would be benificial financially to EBid and more so to all UK customers. '
    Are you going to advertise in the UK? ;the UK market needs a Kickstart URGENTLY asap urgent. !!!!!!!! Are Ebid.Co going to advertise in the UK.

    PS. it is illegal to advertise along motorways/ freeways in the UK.
    All the best Hope to hear from some time.
    Colin dingledell2 Books
    Last edited by dingledell2; 23rd November 2008 at 04:51 PM.

  2. #2


    There have been lots of posts on the subject of advertising.

    eBid is being advertised on the internet pretty extensively (sensible, when you think that all the customers have to be online) and there are also roadside hoardings being seen in UK

    And have a look at this - not really so 'obscure'!!

    Last edited by JudesNiceThings; 23rd November 2008 at 05:24 PM.
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  3. #3
    Forum Master e_nviable's Avatar
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    Thumbs down

    Quote Originally Posted by dingledell2 View Post
    HI Gary.
    Gary, Ive paid £49.99 to your company. Ive kept my eyes open in Australia, Sinapore. Honk Kong, and of course the Uk for any signs of EBid. Nothing.

    Please contact me If I'm wrong but E Bid seems to an obsure company, a lot of talk within the Forum but no action outside, I know a lot of eBayers, and enquire about EBid ; nobody seems to know you exsist.

    I'm looking for a return on my investment, and it doesnt seem to be forthcoming, I feel,that a conserted effort must be made to advertise strongly in the UK market, this surely would be benificial financially to EBid and more so to all UK customers. '
    Are you going to advertise in the UK? ;the UK market needs a Kickstart URGENTLY asap urgent. !!!!!!!! Are Ebid.Co going to advertise in the UK.

    PS. it is illegal to advertise along motorways/ freeways in the UK.
    All the best Hope to hear from some time.
    Colin dingledell2 Books

    Hello Colin

    I would say welcome to eBid, but I don't think you're in the mood
    I also hate to say ........... here we go again !

    If you had made the effort to read through some of the threads on the Forums, you would find that the subject of advertising has already been discussed, in great depth and at great length - and there's really no need to start another thread.

    If you had bricks & mortar premises, would you ask your landlord what he was doing to improve your business prospects ? What are YOU, personally, doing to get that return on your c£50 investment ? £50's not bad for a lifetime's opportunity to have a venue for your auctions........ spread over 5 individual stores (if you choose to).

    The rest is up to you ........

    There are numerous hints & tips on the Forums on how to promote your auctions and maintain a high profile ...... I suggest you start there

    Good luck !

    Last edited by e_nviable; 23rd November 2008 at 05:54 PM.

  4. #4


    Hi and welcome to eBid. When you think about it you are getting a very good deal for your £49.99. Not only are you getting a venue for life ( or as long as you wish to use it), you can set up 5 stores for free and also you are getting the venue advertised extensively on the internet. and free uploads to google base several times a month

    I have two eCommerce web sites running at the moment, Each one costs me £30.00 per month, admittedly they are with a reputable company, and include an integrated shopping cart and integrated payment gateways, but I have to allocate a larger budget to get the buyers to them, than I do to get them here.

    On eBid I allocate a small advertising budget and use that to bring buyers here, there is no site anywhere that you would not have to pay to get the exposure, some like eBid charge an upfront fee with minimal advertising, Others charge for it in Listing and Final Value Fees and charges for stores. The greater the advertising the greater the cost to the seller

    You have here a very stable venue, so with a little bit of forward planning you can make it work in your favour.
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  5. #5

    Smile I agree with previous two posts

    I have to agree with previous two posts. Having had both a bricks and morter store for almost 19 years and an online store for around five before shutting up shop with both, I can honestly say the fee for lifetime benefits on eBid are very very low. Even with my store and online shop I had to pay out for advertising each month. As the saying goes you get "nowt for nowt" and in this case £49.99 is I'm afraid very close to "nowt".

    Cheers Mel

  6. #6
    Forum Saint HannaHolly's Avatar
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    Hi Dingledell2 . You've not seen any signs of ebid? I'm extremely surprised at this because ebid has advertised widely across the net - there are numerous threads about banners on the front page of SKY.com, Virgin etc,.... Ebid has appeared regularly in the UK press, winning various awards along the way. They are doing a radio ad campaign in the USA just now, and some roadside advertising in the UK. That's just the bits i've picked up on the forums, i'm sure there's more.

    Dingledell2 have you heard of Google? because many many thousands ( hundreds of thousands probably) of ebids auctions appear on it every day. You can't describe that as an 'obscure' site really can you.

    Ebid is going through a period of sustained growth - both in membership and in listings, Whether you adapt to selling on ebid and take the opportunities, or do nothing, is up to you.

  7. #7
    Forum Saint Huddylion's Avatar
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    Hi Dingledell2 , you have five stores with items in them, they are all on run till sold, so are never going to hit the front page or anywhere near it, why not put them on say10-14 day auction with 10 reposts, then your going to get near the front page , why not put a signature on your postings with links to your shops, so that people can have a nose at your items, not onlysellers who use the forums there are always loads of guests looking in who may be buyers, i and a few others have threads going in the promote ebid section you only have to ask and we will put your shop links on our sites, some will do all your shop links, myself i do your main shop, i and the others do not bite, unless you want us to .
    Go through the forums find out all the good advice thats around, youv'e paid your dosh don't think your going to get it back, make the best of it just think NO MORE AUCTION FEES FOR LIFE unless you use the extras i would advise you to use a gallery picture then it's only a tiny 2% fvf, have you done your about me page? if not fill in a few details at least, mine maybe a little over the top but thats me with time on my hands.

    Any thing you need advice just ask simple as that.
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