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Thread: Squidoo and the Ebid group

  1. #1

    Default Squidoo and the Ebid group

    I have started an ebid group over at Squidoo.

    Here is the link.


    If you are a squidoo lensmaster, feel free to add appropriate lenses to the group. I am quite new to squidoo, so if I have cocked up anywhere go gentle on me.

    Also please post here any lenses and your Squidoo URL, we could be doing with favouriting each other and becoming 'fans' of each other. I will favourite and do the "Join My Fanclub" thing for anyone who posts the relevant link here. Please return the favour, it would be appreciated.

    Here is my Squidoo link.

    Also post here any relevant groups on Squidoo where we can promote ebid and our personal ebid activities. Ta.

    If you don't know what Squidoo is. Read this.

    You basically write 'lenses' which are essentially webpages on any subject you like and Squidoo pay you.

    Well that is not entirely true, the amount you are likely to get paid amounts to pennies, BUT, squidoo is an excellent place for promoting whatever you like, so join up and let's all cross-refer each other's ebid activities.

    Booksforsale For Vintage Homewares and New & Secondhand Books

    Main Store - Click Here

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  2. #2


    Just looking through Squidoo for fellow ebidders and so far I have joined the "fanclubs"

    Samigail gifts


    Booksforsale For Vintage Homewares and New & Secondhand Books

    Main Store - Click Here

    Join ebid here

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