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Thread: clixgalore help please

  1. #21


    deep link is basically to help you track where your clicks come from (I.E. if you have more than one website or location where you promote from, it helps show what is the most productive location..)

    *I think* LOL..
    Many changes yet again, started a new venture, and you can watch my store grow here: Really Rural Woodworks

  2. #22
    Forum Newbie
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    I sent out about 25 emails yesterday with the ad link.
    One friend wrote back and said they signed up for ebid using
    my clixgalore email ad link .

    When I look at my clixgalore account I do not see any credit/pay.
    (Also no buddy points from ebid)

    Jusy sharing that maybe clixgalore doesn't really work?

  3. #23


    it may take some time for credit to show- what you want to look at at first would be the adviews/impressions. most affiliate programs it takes some time- a few days to a week, so they can actually verify the results of the clickthrough/sale - otherwise it would be all to easy for someone to inflate their earnings using automated "bots" to sign up at their links..

    give it a few days and see if it shows up...

    if not then perhaps have to contact clixgalore- since that is a separate business, run by a separate company..
    Many changes yet again, started a new venture, and you can watch my store grow here: Really Rural Woodworks

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