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Thread: My own wish list.. as a future power seller...

  1. #11
    Forum Saint
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    DSR? I'm no good with abbreviations

  2. #12


    Detailed Seller Ratings, the star things over on the darkide

    For low cost Prints and Affordable Originals just Click the Logo

    and check out my other stores

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  3. #13
    Forum Saint
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    No, I was talking about DBR - Detailed Buyer Rating. so little shopping baskets are probably more appropriate. (and I was only kidding)

  4. #14


    I'm glad you found the script you were looking for, Ideal.

    Here is how I do my photos and they don't take long at all. First I set my camera to the web/email size setting for photos so they are already the size I need them. Then I have everything near me that I'm planning to photo and quickly set each one on my desk, take a pic, weigh it, then put the next one on and so on. Then I take the memory card out of my camera and plug it into the computer. I cut and paste the photos from the memory card into the Ebid folders on my computer. It is then very quick to upload them into my gallery one by one because they are already the right size. I do wish there was a bulk upload feature for gallery pics though.

    I usually list the types of stuff I have in groups where I can just click on list similar. Using list similar all I have to do is change the heading a little, pick a different picture, and slightly change the description. I may have to change the weight of it as well, but that only takes a second. Using list similar it only takes maybe 15 seconds to do each auction.

    I do hope the Ninjalister comes out soon though.

  5. #15


    Yeah- It would make sense if I had a camera like yours that could be set to already be web ready.. LOL Mine doesnt take much longer- takes me about 10 minutes to photograph 100 items or so, about 15 minutes to upload everything (I have DSL, but it's still slowwwwww!) and my script deals with the images in less than 2 minutes.. and while the uploading and my commandline script is running, I use the time to prepare my descriptions on items.. then it is a simple matter to paste description into template on crimson editor, select all, copy, paste result to bulk upload, and done.. I'm still getting used to it, but once I got the hang of it a bit , for my last 3 or 4 items, I was popping them in at a rate that I can do 100 or so an hour... it's good enough for now...
    Many changes yet again, started a new venture, and you can watch my store grow here: Really Rural Woodworks

  6. #16


    RE: Power seller.. I missed reading the original comment LOL.. but I probably fit the definition (at Fleabay, first PS level is 300+ sales or $1500+ a month, or somewhere around there) I'd probably hit that sales figure pretty easily if I was posting everything I could up on there...

    DSR's have got to be the dumbest idea that Smokin-Weed-In-The-Corporate-Headquarters-Bay ever came up with... along with the fact that sellers cannot neg bad buyers... and cant cancel auctions anymore (I tried to remove bids from new buyers that I KNOW will never pay... but, that ability is gone)

    I think feedback should be plenty sufficient, without needing DSR - I mean, the feedback is MORE informative than the "You call THIS Detailed?" seller ratings.. I definitely think someone at SneezeBay was smoking something interesting when they came up with THAT name...

    Oh well... Their loss is Ebid's gain.
    Many changes yet again, started a new venture, and you can watch my store grow here: Really Rural Woodworks

  7. #17
    Forum Saint
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    I had a reminder from e**y to leave feedback. It was a non paying buyer and they expect me to leave positive feedback????!!!
    Enough of them. This is better, even if it's not perfect

  8. #18


    Hello all! We too are looking to sell 100-200 items a week. I like photobucket and would like to bulk upload the pictures there and then put them into the bulk uploader. I have one question though: Do I need to copy and paste every single URL for every picture? We sell alot of antiques and alot of pictures are required to shoe the item in full detail.

    Does anyone know the answer to this or have a better solution? Perhaps I could copy the "album" URl for photobucket which I could make contain each photo for a particular item?

    Thanks! We are really excited to be a part of this very amazing community!

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