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Thread: Lots of people looking, no one buying

  1. #91


    Quote Originally Posted by idealadultsales View Post
    You realize there is a facility in the Feedback area to *request* feedback from the other person.. a reminder of sorts I suppose.. a nicely worded request could do wonders..
    The first person I bought something off from here had two negs thanks to someone getting mad with him for asking for feedback (she'd had computer problems and apparently got online through her daughter's computer especially so she could neg him for both items, as revenge for "nagging" her).

    It might also have the opposite effect to that you expect.

  2. #92


    well it does require a little diplomacy.. depends on how it is worded.. E.G. Someone uses that and says "Hey, you havent left me feedback. I need feedback. You have to leave feedback for everyone" isnt exactly what I'd call a nicely worded request- sounds more like a demand..

    But something along the lines of, perhaps "Hi!. It has been 2 weeks since I got the item you sold me, and I really like it, and have left positive feedback. However I noticed that perhaps it may have been overlooked on your end. I'm sure you are busy, but if you would mind, do you think you could take a few minutes to post a bit of badly needed feedback? I'd appreciate it kindly if you could, but understand if you can't. Thank You. Sincerely, YourNameHere"

    nice, complimentary, I mean.. kind of hard to get mad at that and see it as nagging, if it was only sent one time, and after a 2 week wait.. other than that, just write it off as someone who obviously doesnt care, and make the decision to never buy from them again
    Many changes yet again, started a new venture, and you can watch my store grow here: Really Rural Woodworks

  3. #93


    I have sent requests via the automated eBid system, and to one buyer by email using my own very polite wording. It seems that the ones not leaving feedback all all relative newbies like myself and may not fully understand how to leave feedback. Frustrating I know, but hey ho have at least made some sales.


  4. #94


    cool let us know how it works out
    Many changes yet again, started a new venture, and you can watch my store grow here: Really Rural Woodworks

  5. #95


    If it is a newbie, offer to help them if they are having trouble leaving feedback would seem to be the solution. Also engenders the feelgood factor about the helpfulness of the site.

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