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Thread: Womens section needs a major update

  1. #31


    #30 - I agree - it SOUNDS simple - but how do you get people to list (say) a 32" waist trousers (they do!) in size whatever?
    Because they 'call' them 'size 32', they will list them as 'size 32'

    You could do it the way you suggest, but just divide it into 'women's' and 'women's plus'

    I have bought and sold loads over the years, for myself and my 2 big daughters - I'm certain that the majority of big (fat) women like me don't feel discriminated against - its a lot easier for us to go straight to 'plus'!!
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  2. #32


    Quote Originally Posted by JudesNiceThings View Post
    #30 - I agree - it SOUNDS simple - but how do you get people to list (say) a 32" waist trousers (they do!) in size whatever?
    Because they 'call' them 'size 32', they will list them as 'size 32'

    You could do it the way you suggest, but just divide it into 'women's' and 'women's plus'

    I have bought and sold loads over the years, for myself and my 2 big daughters - I'm certain that the majority of big (fat) women like me don't feel discriminated against - its a lot easier for us to go straight to 'plus'!!
    If somebody is too daft to put waist size 32 trousers in the correct place, do you really think that calling it

    Plus Size UK 32/ US 30/ EU 58/>split into types
    instead of
    Size UK 32/ US 30/ EU 58/>split into types

    will make a difference?

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  3. #33


    Quote Originally Posted by JudesNiceThings View Post
    I have bought and sold loads over the years, for myself and my 2 big daughters - I'm certain that the majority of big (fat) women like me don't feel discriminated against - its a lot easier for us to go straight to 'plus'!!
    I know my daughter does.
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  4. #34


    #33 - really!!!???

    Poor thing - I think it's actually a lot easier now than 20 years ago for 'big' girls - there are so many of us!!

    And even though I've lost 6 stone, I'm still a size 26 - one daughter is size 32 and my 'baby' is now an 18 (but was size 28)

    At least there are more clothing outlets for large people - I used to have to make everything - including school uniform!!
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  5. #35


    #32 - just 'saying as I see' - In my (limited) experience, a lot of people put 'Plus size' into the search box - I know I do - and I always list with 'Plus size' in the main title.
    It saves sorting things.

    Basically, the more mouseclicks someone has to do to search, the quicker they lose interest. That is what's aggravating people on the Darkside, right now!
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  6. #36

    Smile Plus sized clothes

    Hi there - I think it would be great to have a Plus Size category in the Women's clothing section - there are a lot of us larger ladies out there and it would certainly make it easier to search.

    If we can find items, we can hopefully buy and therefore the site will grow.

    That's half the problem with the other side at the moment - new search is terrible - I gave up this morning looking for a pale blue skirt I was selling - and it didn't even show up - with only today left in the listing times.!

  7. #37
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    I would prefer Gothicina's way of listing items.


    1) because when I go to plus sizes I get everything from size 16 upwards and have to wade through to get to the size I want. (I would love to be a size 16)

    2) Not everyone lists larger sizes in the plus size cat...so we miss out if they are in the other cats.

    3) I do object to the discrimination..if you don't then fine, but others do.

    Listing by size means I would be able to just go to the cat

    Clothing & Accessories

    Size UK 32/ US 30/ EU 58 and see all the listings for that size. (BTW..I am NOT a size 32)

    because they are then split into types, I can just click on what I want, e.g. tops and just get them.

    I can't see what is so complicated about it.

    and...I agree. However the cats are organised it will not make a difference to those people who stupidly list in the wrong one...

  8. #38


    Bump as Gazza seems to be around,

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