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Thread: How To Price Small Craft Items To Sell?

  1. #1

    Question How To Price Small Craft Items To Sell?

    Hiya ~

    I know things are a bit different here than on the other side. So, I'm just wondering...are my items priced too high to sell?

    I want to keep postage low because that is something I look for when buying, it just seems more honest. I'd rather pay a fair price for the item and low postage rather than low for the item and high postage even if the total is the same. But, it seems that lots of buyers pay more attention to the price of the item and postage is secondary. So, is it best to price the items at 99p and raise the postage a bit?

    I'm also thinking about upgrading to seller+ so that I can have thumbnail photos showing, that seems important. Though, with the little bit I will be selling, it may take forever to make that money back!

    Any advice would be most appreciated as I am still learning the ropes around here.

    Thank you!

  2. #2
    Forum Newbie
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    Hey! I love your stuff they are so cute!! I have been putting stuff up here to sell for some time now as well but nothing has moved.. I think it all just takes some time.. Thats what everyone has been telling me here.
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  3. #3
    Forum Saint
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    I think most experienced buyers combine the two and check the total price. Given the choice between two otherwise equal offerings (same item, same total price, same scale of seller, similar feedback), I'd probably go for the one who had the cheapest postage - some subliminal message about the seller being honest and not padding the shipping costs, perhaps!

  4. #4


    Ahh, thank you justruchi!

    That's my thinking too kimbo, thanks!

    So...'within that honest way to be'...what do ya think about something like lowering the price then adding that bit to the postage then offering postage discounts to non-Paypal payers? I'm just trying to think of incentives on how to move away from Paypal...'cause I want to help slow the supporting of that ripoff corporation. Or...is that not a good 'business' move?

    Ok, that's all, thanks again! Any ideas welcome!

  5. #5
    Forum Saint
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    I've ummed and ahhed about discounts for non-paypal, and decided it would be counter-productive (but I'm sure other views are held!) since anything that looks complicated or that the buyer might not immediately understand, runs the risk of making them think "don't understand that, I'll go elsewhere". I settle for simply putting "(preferred)" after Google checkout on my list of accepted payment methods. So far I'm getting reasonable use of Google, but a lot of my buyers are experienced sellers so they know the implications.

  6. #6


    Does Google cost more or less than PP? I couldn't understand fully the fees, seems they charge 20 cents right off the top then a percentage. I have alot of cheaper items not sure I want to lay out 20 cents everytime.
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    Google is cheaper than paypal, at least for UK sellers.

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by ElegantScraps View Post
    Ahh, thank you justruchi!

    That's my thinking too kimbo, thanks!

    So...'within that honest way to be'...what do ya think about something like lowering the price then adding that bit to the postage then offering postage discounts to non-Paypal payers? I'm just trying to think of incentives on how to move away from Paypal...'cause I want to help slow the supporting of that ripoff corporation. Or...is that not a good 'business' move?

    Ok, that's all, thanks again! Any ideas welcome!

    The best way I find to work the postage is to weigh it, price it (I use the royal mail web site as a guide), and add a few bob to cover packing. All the postage set on my items is worked the same way, and its as honest as it can be. Discounts are given on multiple purchases because of the royal mail weight to price brackets.

    The items are priced by what I think they are worth, and what I think they will sell for. IMHO they can be more flexible than the postage. I'd prefer to sell something for say £1 less than I've listed it for, rather than have it 'doing the circuit' because its not selling. I hope I don't get barraged with 'let me have this for ???' now I've said that.

    Sewing Room Creations - for hand crafted gift ideas & doll accessories.

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by bykimbo View Post
    I've ummed and ahhed about discounts for non-paypal, and decided it would be counter-productive (but I'm sure other views are held!) since anything that looks complicated or that the buyer might not immediately understand, runs the risk of making them think "don't understand that, I'll go elsewhere". I settle for simply putting "(preferred)" after Google checkout on my list of accepted payment methods. So far I'm getting reasonable use of Google, but a lot of my buyers are experienced sellers so they know the implications.
    Yup, that makes sense, thanks again kimbo.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by BabsnRay View Post
    The best way I find to work the postage is to weigh it, price it (I use the royal mail web site as a guide), and add a few bob to cover packing. All the postage set on my items is worked the same way, and its as honest as it can be. Discounts are given on multiple purchases because of the royal mail weight to price brackets.

    The items are priced by what I think they are worth, and what I think they will sell for. IMHO they can be more flexible than the postage. I'd prefer to sell something for say £1 less than I've listed it for, rather than have it 'doing the circuit' because its not selling. I hope I don't get barraged with 'let me have this for ???' now I've said that.
    Thanks BabsnRay, seems consistent advice to provide low postage and to keep it simple for the buyer.

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