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Thread: Universe Tugged by Mysterious 'Dark Flow'

  1. #21


    Quote Originally Posted by photopheline34 View Post
    I believe there must be other intelligent life out there in the universe. We (earth) cannot be the only planet with such.

    Whether the life is more intelligent, or not as advanced as us, we will never know unless contact is made... but then........................... if 'they' make contact with us first, then I guess they are probably way more intelligent than us......
    Either that or just Blerdy stupid

  2. #22


    Quote Originally Posted by poppa501 View Post
    Here's something else to occupy your time. I read an article awhile back talking about what intelligent(advanced)aliens might look like. A few interesting points were brought up. For instance--They would almost certainly have to have hands with opposable thumb/s. Technology requires the delicate manipulation of small objects which isn't possible with tenacles, claws, etc. Also they would need to have sterophonic(sp?) vision for the same reasons. This would mean that they would have to have at least 2 focusable eyes. Would need at least 2 legs for locomotion. All things considered this would probably result in a bi-lateral being very similar to us. What do you think?

    Sounds feaseable - maybe Ferengis and Romulans weren't that far off the mark.

    One thing that I have figured - science fiction does turn into science fact. In the early sci fi movies they had the unimaginable things like robots, rockets, lasers and such. Within 40 years we have them for real. Star Trek, Star Gate and other sci fi series aren't that far off the mark to what we have ahead of us around the corner. Terminator or even the Mad Max trilogy are perhaps closer than we think.

    In 1912 the Titanic sunk - This was foretold? in a fictional story called the wreck of the Titan written 14 years before. fiction turning into fact??? Admitted, the story wasn't sci fi, but it does make me wonder.

    Sewing Room Creations - for hand crafted gift ideas & doll accessories.

  3. #23


    Quote Originally Posted by photopheline34 View Post
    I believe there must be other intelligent life out there in the universe. We (earth) cannot be the only planet with such.

    Whether the life is more intelligent, or not as advanced as us, we will never know unless contact is made... but then........................... if 'they' make contact with us first, then I guess they are probably way more intelligent than us......

    There probably is more intelligent life out there somewhere - there are too many planets for there not to be. They're just intelligent enough to keep away in case they get captured, taken to area 51 and prodded and probed because 'scientists want to find out more'. Its only by mistake that they've actually been seen. We (earth) have not developed the technology to get to them, which with our civilised way of doing things - land, capture, enslave and kill off, it maybe just as well. Maybe when we've lost that attitude, we'll be smart enough to make contact when we can travel from here to Australia in a heartbeat - that is if earth doesn't self destruct first - or the smart beings out there will discover that we have a mineral resource that they want and kill us off to get it. By we I mean people in control and power, not you and me as individuals.

    Sewing Room Creations - for hand crafted gift ideas & doll accessories.

  4. #24


    Quote Originally Posted by poppa501 View Post
    Here's something else to occupy your time. I read an article awhile back talking about what intelligent(advanced)aliens might look like. A few interesting points were brought up. For instance--They would almost certainly have to have hands with opposable thumb/s. Technology requires the delicate manipulation of small objects which isn't possible with tenacles, claws, etc. Also they would need to have sterophonic(sp?) vision for the same reasons. This would mean that they would have to have at least 2 focusable eyes. Would need at least 2 legs for locomotion. All things considered this would probably result in a bi-lateral being very similar to us. What do you think?
    That may well hold true for aliens which could visit Earth, but does not necessarily hold for non-earth type environments. Planets with greater gravity are likely to produce creatures with a much shorter, stronger musculature who probably have at least four legs. Those with a weaker gravity would likely go the other way and be tall, thin and physically much weaker. However, neither of those types would visit Earth since our gravity and atmosphere would not be to their liking. At the very least they would need some way of protecting themselves and quite possibly mechanical ways of producing an artificial environment more suitable for their physiology.

    We also tend to assume that aliens would be of a similar size to us. Who says they have to be? Why not have some that are smaller than baked beans or larger than houses? Maybe we've been visited by some on many occasions but didn't recognise them due to our limited idea of what an alien would look like?

    Movies are where most of us get our ideas from. Hollywood tells us what aliens look like and suddenly we are seeing them everywhere; hundreds of thousands of people are being abducted by them and the whole of California wants them to move in next door. So very few people actually give the whole idea any real thought beyond the standard "well, with so many planets there must be some out there somewhere".

  5. #25
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    All this is making my head hurt! I'm going to bed--Nitey-nite

  6. #26
    Forum Saint JanetB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by poppa501 View Post
    All this is making my head hurt! I'm going to bed--Nitey-nite

    Nite nite

    btw I love your banner!

  7. #27


    Re Opposable thumbs: where's the rule that says that things have to be physically manipulated? Don't need no thumbs if you can move things using psychokinesis.

    Re intelligent life elsewhere in the universe: it's inevitable (unless there actually is a God who made everything including us 'in his own image' - would require a pretty flawed God, IMO). As Carl Sagan (and others) have pointed out, it takes three generations of stars to create the chemistry that makes up 'life as we know it,' and three generations of stars is a pretty long time. Cosmologically speaking, our galaxy is only just about old enough to provide the conditions to allow us to exist. Given that a) the universe is so big and b) we're proving that a 'civilised society' such as ours is eminently capable of destroying itself, it's not surprising to me that it appears that there ain't nobody around in this epoch who's within hailing range.

    Re: current intelligent life on Earth.
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