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Thread: Private Listings

  1. #21
    Forum Newbie
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    Jul 2008
    Brighton-Le-Sands, New South Wales, Australia
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    Thumbs down eBay introduces absolute anonymity for (shill) bidders

    eBay introduces absolute anonymity for (shill) bidders

    In Australia, the UK, Ireland and the Philippines, eBay has now obscured auction bidding to the point that genuine bidders have got absolutely no chance of detecting and thereby protecting themselves from “shill” bidding (a criminal offence in most civilised countries) by unethical vendors. Notwithstanding eBay’s statements to the contrary, this application of absolute anonymity by eBay on these sites serves no purpose other than to deceive consumers; and the same criticism has always applied to eBay’s other shill bidders’ facility, “User ID kept private”. Again, notwithstanding eBay’s various pronouncements about shill bidding being banned on eBay, eBay is now effectively (and knowingly) “aiding and abetting” such shill bidders, at the expense of consumers ...

    If you are an unethical shill-bidding seller or a buyer who is not concerned that on the above-mentioned sites eBay is effectively “aiding and abetting” such shill-bidding sellers to cheat you, read no further; otherwise a lengthy critical analysis of this matter at:

  2. #22


    Quote Originally Posted by simplispecial View Post
    Why not hide the item but not the bidder? That would solve the problem of hidden shill bidding maybe. Just a thought.
    I am bumping this thread up for two different reasons.

    1. As a seller I sometimes sell bulk items with possibility of resale in smaller quantities. Allowing a private auction would help me sell so another seller could benefit from my bulk listing and still be able to sell on the same site.

    Had opened a bulk auction today only after remembering it could do with some privacy went back to see if it could be done but obviously can't.

    2. Someone mentioned the adult section is private. But currently buddy points achieved over the month are shown on the homepage with the buyers ID. Out of curiosity of seeing a buyer with tons of feedback under the buddy point list, decided to click to see if they were buying and selling and what they were buying or selling, only to find it was tons of porn magazines. I think this is really terrible. Surely this buyer doesn't need his choices displayed in such a public place!!!!!

    As quoted above why not have just the item hidden if the seller wants to give a buyer privacy in the item they have purchased.

    Please is it possible to add a tick box just not to show the item description like feebay do. Not to hide the transaction just the detail.

  3. #23

    Question Any Updates?

    Just popping in to inquire: any updates on this matter? If so, please advise.

    Though I do not sell anything spicy, many of my clients from eb*y like the idea of being able to make private purchases. Not that anything we do in life is truly private anymore, but ... well, you know how it goes.

    - Bree

  4. #24


    Bumping this one up again.

    The points at #22.

    Gazza - or someone else with some power to change.

    Yet again our friend is on the front page under top buddy points. I wouldn't come across this type of customer under normal circumstances, but is the Adult section not private and therefore the transactions private in feedback.

    The feedback could still be left but the customer's actual item could be just blank and not possible to view.

    My children are often interested in the auction sites as I am using it and will often click peoples feedback if it looks interesting from the point of view of amount received etc. These items are there for all to see.

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