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Thread: Your Links within your Listings

  1. #1

    Exclamation Your Links within your Listings

    I have just learned something the HARD way!
    All of my listings contained several links - to my About Me page, to Join eBid, and to my ONE store.
    I later opened another store, and in doing so, changed the registered name (slightly) of the original store, so as to distinguish them from each other.
    Hey Presto! - my 'Link to my Store' in ALL my listings, did not work - I had forgotten to change the original link to the newly named store link .
    Going through every one of my auctions then running (and there were only about 90 of them) and changing the links took a long time ...

    ... So (especially to those new to listing) a word from the wise (after the event) - ensure that you are happy about ALL aspects of your listings defaults before you commit them, as once your listings are up and running, it will take a lot of work to amend any links within them that are no longer valid.

    I should have thought it through BEFORE I opened a second store, but being dumb and stupid I rushed to create the new store, and rename the old one, without considering the consequences. I admit it! Also, this scenario applies to links within your About Me page AND in your Signature Link on the Forums ... so please be warned . Buyers are very likely to be put off if they click on one of your links that goes ... nowhere!

  2. #2
    Forum Saint JanetB's Avatar
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    Sun Valley, Nevada, United States
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    IMHO I think you deserve a pat on the back for being so quick to spot your mistake and take the time to correct it. You did nothing dumb or stupid, in fact, good designers take the time to check their work and look for mistakes so they can correct them.

    I have browsed many websites where so-called professional designers have made mistakes and have obviously not attempted to correct them.

    So don't beat yourself up about your hiccup, you did a fine job!

  3. #3

  4. #4


    I think that is what you could call good business sense - making improvements to the appearance and layout of things.

    Now that I've got all my items here, I go through them at random to make sure that they look the same, making slight improvements as I go.

    I think its a good idea to have a link from the items to the shops, and that is something I've got to look forward to doing - with 280+ items, that's going to take a while. Sadly I couldn't do it before as I didn't know how. Its only through the sages at the forums that I found out how to put links in everywhere. I've put them on my outgoing e.mail signature too just to show off.

    But, well done, and thanks for the heads up. Its great being wise after the event.

    The listings look great too. I hope you get lots of sales from them.

    Sewing Room Creations - for hand crafted gift ideas & doll accessories.

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