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Thread: EBID.net surfaces all over US $bay forums today

  1. #11


    I've mentioned eBid several times on BoardGameGeek.com but it seems like there just aren't enough "gamers" games listed here to draw the BGG crowd.
    Rick L. Vinyard, Jr.

  2. #12


    This is what I found when I went back about two hours after posting to one of the threads on GreedBay (I altered the name a bit after copying it here and removed the links). Note that posts 2 through 18 have been deleted (obviously by the hosting auction site). I suspect mine will be gone by morning.

    What Are the alternatives to ***Bay?
    Aug-28-08 17:34 PDT Just Curious. Are there any alternatives to ****Bay? I am totally new at trying to open an online store and I have limited resources. I thank everybody for there response.

    Joe M

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    Date postedReply
    Sep-22-08 19:31 PDT 19 of 19 I've only been on ebid a few weeks, already sold four items. I expected it to take much longer. It took over two months to make my first sale on ***Bay. There are threads in the forums for ***Bay jumpers to log in, new ones arrive every day. The big drawback is that buyers complain they can't find specific products that they want to buy! Does this sound like an opportunity for sellers?

  3. #13


    A tip I picked up here in the Forums:

    Quote Originally Posted by donkeyote View Post
    You can avoid any chance of Ebay rumbling you by putting the instructions on how to find your Ebid stuff in the form of an image, and don't put a link to Ebid with it, then Ebay can't find it. All they'll see is one out of x million images on their site. You can put text like:
    "To view all of my products at a cheaper price, please search on Ebid.co.uk for 'username'" (inserting your username). If this is a graphic, Ebay can't tell what it says unless one of their minions spends all day reading every bit of text on every single auction... And there's no way they're going to do that!!!

    I use FastStone Screen Capture - a free program - to copy a rectangular area on any PC screen - so you can type in the text on a word processor, use FastStone Screen Capture, save the image, then insert the image into your auctions. No link involved, nothing Ebay can do about it, as they will never know it's there.
    Last edited by bittymatriarch; 23rd September 2008 at 08:16 AM.

  4. #14


    I was putting a mention in on Q & A about 3 times a day in late july/early August for eBid by name - I was getting away with it at first, but in the end I had to stop because I was risking my membership (which is still useful to me!)

    For a post to be pulled by LiveWorld (who run the feebay boards) it HAS TO BE REPORTED by members - Liveworld do not 'search' for anything.

    This means that some people have made it their business to search out and report anything to do with eBid that appears.

    It also means that if the boards are 'blitzed' with references from loads of members, the button-pushers can't keep up - which is why the references are now getting through! LOL

    As it's 'D-Day' tomorrow - I love to think how many MORE people are going to post about eBay on there!!
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  5. #15

    Thumbs up

    Something's going on in the dark side, and it looks like the good guys are winning. The missing posts that I mentioned yesterday have been restored, and my post mentioning eBid is still there. I found other threads where people are complaining about posts being deleted. Censorship doesn't sit well with people in this country.
    GreedBay just keeps finding more and more ways to alienate their sellers AND buyers.

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