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Thread: Store Title

  1. #1

    Question Store Title

    I have searched the forums and help but cannot find an answer

    Can someone please help me - I am trying to configure a store and I would like two words as the store title.

    I put in two separate words and it merges it into a single word every time. I have tried using an underscore and a dash but it still doesn't work. Yet I have seen other stores with 2 or 3 words as their title?

    Can anyone shed some light on this mystery please.

  2. #2


    I am likewise mystified!

    All my stores just have spaces in between words - have you tried clearing your cache before re-trying?
    Why not take a quick look at my Stores?

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  3. #3


    No I will try that thank you

  4. #4


    Thank you so much that worked I just pressed fn f5 buttons for those who want to know

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by poshdoodles View Post
    I have searched the forums and help but cannot find an answer

    Can someone please help me - I am trying to configure a store and I would like two words as the store title.

    I put in two separate words and it merges it into a single word every time. I have tried using an underscore and a dash but it still doesn't work. Yet I have seen other stores with 2 or 3 words as their title?

    Can anyone shed some light on this mystery please.
    Have you tried removing New Store 1 from the title, in case that takes it over the total number of letters allowed?

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