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Thread: Are You Enjoying the Fake Olympics?

  1. #31


    I did emphasise that economically we could not exist separately.

    There is no doubt that in time Scotland will gain it's independence and probably so will Wales. The division of the Union is to some extent probable.

    As you say there are many small European states that are " Independent".
    However what has happened in the 20th century is the growth of the EEC.

    Under the European umbrella, small states can support their own identity, laws and at one time finances.
    Now however we are all influenced by the European laws and the Euro.

    Yes! Once Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland have left the Union then England too will be Independent.

    But the ineteresting question will be, independent of what? Certainly not Europe.

    Since we will have lost the identity of Great Britian, England will have to sort itself out and try to enthuse the voting public towards a feeling of unity and belonging.

    We will be just another small European State which like Scotland , Wales, Monaco and Lichenstien all of which are financially and politically dependent on Europe.

    It may be argued that as a Union we would have more power within the European political engine.

    Scotland is well on it's way to independence... but .....do they want to be just another small EEC state or part of a larger more influential EEC member?
    The answers are yet to be seen.
    Unfortunately if or when these changes happen, the vast majority of English people will suddenly find their Constitution changed, laws changed, economic systems changed and with the feeling of national identity lost, we will be just another bit of Europe, quirky, insular and still besotted by our weather!
    Last edited by redmerlin777; 16th August 2008 at 09:44 AM.
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  2. #32

    Thumbs up

    Another GOLD in the swimming.
    Well done.
    And we have just won one in the rowing.
    What a start to the weekend.

  3. #33
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    I know most of this already - so what's new?

    What *would* be news is if the whole Olympics was fake - the competitions, the reporters, the television broadcasts. The real athletes and reporters generously donating their organs in a jail somewhere!
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  4. #34


    I'm not particularly proud of being 'British.' Our nation (courtesy of the long-gone Empire) is directly responsible for the political (and yes, technological) make-up of a large part of the planet. It's something to be ashamed of, not to be proud of.

    Computer-generated fireworks? Repressive behaviour to eliminate smog? None of it surprises me. These olympics would have been boycotted if we hadn't all been brainwashed into thinking that it was a celebration of humanity's strengths instead of a way for rich people to get richer (which, at the end of the day, is the real reason why this event happens every four years).

    I'm against any form of nationalism on principle. I'm not 'English' (I'm actually half French, and incidentally resent the way that the media constantly rabble-rouses anti-French sentiment), I'm not 'British,' I'm not 'European'...

    I'm a human being. Just like you.

    Building fences is a great way to create antagonism between neighbours. The world is getting smaller by the day and yet we're still contesting our own tiny, ever-shrinking patches.

    Mankind needs to grow up.
    Why use QWERTY? Get Broadband for your Fingers with Dvorak SKL!

  5. #35


    Quote Originally Posted by SalusLibrorum View Post
    Well I don't want to be "British", I'm English, and wish I was allowed to be proud of my national identity the way the Scots and the Welsh are.
    I have a large tatoo on my arm

    Saltire and thistle with the wording........

    British by Birth.
    Scottish By the Grace of God.

  6. #36


    I love it all specially like watching sports i only see at the olympics , shooting,Archery was up till gone 3am watching mens Beach Volley Ball.

    And today the premership starts this must be what heavens like.

  7. #37


    Norway isn't a member of the EU and neither is Switzerland. Neither of them seem to have any trouble maintaining economic independence, and neither of them are suffering from not being members, in fact it could be argued that both countries are doing rather better, because they aren't having to finance a dozen more impecunious countries and need only look after their own people. I don't see why England shouldn't be the same, we are not "financially dependent" on Europe, we are a net contributor to EU funds, if we weren't members we'd be considerably better off financially.

  8. #38


    Quote Originally Posted by SalusLibrorum View Post
    Norway isn't a member of the EU and neither is Switzerland. Neither of them seem to have any trouble maintaining economic independence, and neither of them are suffering from not being members, in fact it could be argued that both countries are doing rather better, because they aren't having to finance a dozen more impecunious countries and need only look after their own people. I don't see why England shouldn't be the same, we are not "financially dependent" on Europe, we are a net contributor to EU funds, if we weren't members we'd be considerably better off financially.
    Fully agree was the worse thing this country ever did begging to join it.

  9. #39


    Quote Originally Posted by SalusLibrorum View Post
    Norway isn't a member of the EU and neither is Switzerland. Neither of them seem to have any trouble maintaining economic independence, and neither of them are suffering from not being members, in fact it could be argued that both countries are doing rather better, because they aren't having to finance a dozen more impecunious countries and need only look after their own people. I don't see why England shouldn't be the same, we are not "financially dependent" on Europe, we are a net contributor to EU funds, if we weren't members we'd be considerably better off financially.
    Although I agree that i would rather we were not part of the EU, I will mention that Norway has the 2nd highest cost of living in the world.
    I have been there several times now - I dread it when Scotland have to play them in anything - means my wallet is gonna suffer.

  10. #40




    What is comes down to is the hard work and dedication these atheletes have endured to be the best at their game. We absolutely LOVE to support our teams, but what it comes down to is the final result.

    Sure we can continue on with the politics if you want, but then we will have to chime in with our 2 cents about being American and how our Nationality falls into the whole scheme of thing. Are you sure you want to do that? Just kidding!!!

    We gotta give alot of credit to DANTHEMAN3 who keeps popping in with updates on the games. Thank you!

    Did anyone see the swimming yesterday where Michael Phelps won his 7th Gold Medal?


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