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Thread: Project Second-Life - Promote eBid for peanuts!

  1. #491
    Forum Saint madelaine's Avatar
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    posted on flickr group

    4 shops for Cats Protection & Prospect Hospice
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  2. #492
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    Is there any evidence that the advertising outside SL has any effect?

    4 shops for Cats Protection & Prospect Hospice
    My Postcard Shop
    BK Stamps for Philatelic listings
    & Yarnalong for craft patterns
    Lotzabitz -anything that doesn't belong in one of the other shops.

  3. #493
    Forum Diehard rupert691's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by madelaine View Post
    Is there any evidence that the advertising outside SL has any effect?
    Hi Madelaine,

    It's very hard to say really if people are visiting the Mall as a direct result of the SL Project being promoted on other sites. My guess would be that advertising it on other sites, certainly makes some curious and want to check the Mall and it's events out. Certainly I am sure that those on SL, but unaware of the Mall will want to take a look.

    I do know for certain that we have had a good number of SLer's new to eBid, sign-up on eBid.

    I think the biggest difficulty with the whole thing, is convincing those not already on SL, to give it a look, and also that it is NOT a game. SL can be completely misunderstood to a very great degree to those not on it. We look on SL as an 'experience', where anything can be constructed, items bought and sold, places explored, shopping done and so on. Sometimes I'm not sure that looking at the SL web-site, it's apparent that it is free to have a basic account. Generally we have all noticed that once someone gives SL a try, they do enjoy the experience, and if not as a whole, then a large number of aspects of it.

    In our ongoing effort to keep interest in the Project high, we will soon be experimenting with a new format of contest, (details of this will follow soon). Additionally, I am building smaller projects, such as Gazeebos etc. which are always popular in SL, and placing them for a short period outside the Mall, for sale for group funds, and changing them when I have time. The thought behind this is that it should create more interest in the area. I am also intending to make each available free, for the first week of release.

    Contest is "Best in Red" tonight, at 8pm UK time / 12-noon SL time, on the Manderley Roof. Please come along for a good chance to win L$500 for best male and L$500 for the best female.

    (I'd also like to thank everyone for making this thread one of the most viewed on the Forum ).

    Best wishes to all,

    Last edited by rupert691; 31st May 2008 at 02:55 PM.
    Promote your eBid Sales with us on 'Second-Life'. If you'd like to join the SL eBid Group, please PM me for an Invite to help Promote your eBid Store/Listings!

    'Rupert's Books' for Unusual used books!

  4. #494
    Forum Master ropegg's Avatar
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    I talked to Simon last night and he is getting ready to put up a sign in the virtual Manderley Shopping Mall on SL for the new contest type format we are experimenting with. It sounds like something people will enjoy as there will be a possibility of winning (on a daily basis) what everyone seemsto not be able to get enough of -- L$. I will let Simon explain what we are doing and I think he will put one of the signs in here for you who are not on SL to see. He does fantastic work.

    Thanks again for the support we have received from you here on the forum.
    My stores:
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    God Bless and have a great day!!!!

  5. #495
    Forum Diehard rupert691's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ropegg View Post
    I talked to Simon last night and he is getting ready to put up a sign in the virtual Manderley Shopping Mall on SL for the new contest type format we are experimenting with. It sounds like something people will enjoy as there will be a possibility of winning (on a daily basis) what everyone seemsto not be able to get enough of -- L$. I will let Simon explain what we are doing and I think he will put one of the signs in here for you who are not on SL to see. He does fantastic work.

    Thanks again for the support we have received from you here on the forum.
    Hi Peggy,

    Many thanks for all you have done recently too. I really don't know how I'd manage without your advice !

    Re. the new contest format, now off to sort the sign out and will then come back here with a posting about it. I have to say a BIG thank you too Peggy, for coming up with what promises to be an exciting new format!

    For those who have not visited the Mall lately, there are some technical issues, which I stress will NOT make any difference to the adverts. It concerns non-rezzing items, and has been occuring since Lindens crashed both our 'Narugo' area and 'Hachamantai'. I have contacted Lindens regarding this, as it appears that it's out of our control. Peggy and I ran some tests last night, and we are unable to sort it ourselves. I have yet to hear from Lindens (which is usual), but have stressed that we need to resolve this issue swifty. I will keep everyone updated regarding this.

    (Wendy, if you're reading this and you get a mo. maybe you could have a look at the problem too, and drop Lindens a support ticket. The more that do it, the quicker we are likely to get it sorted. The problem is that we cannot drag INV items to the Mall Parcels. We CAN 'create', but not drag. Strangely, we can do it on Peggy's Mall plot, and other places, but not the land that the Mall is on).

    Visitors to the Mall, seem to have been increasing again over the last few days. We have changed the 'Keywords' in order that more are picked up in the SL search. Additionally, I can report that the 'garden' area is also proving to be very successful regarding visitors, and I have received lots of positive feedback regarding it's facilities .

    Many thanks once again for all your support, and if anyone has any questions regarding adverts, Second-Life or the Project in general, please let me know.

    all the best, Simon.
    Promote your eBid Sales with us on 'Second-Life'. If you'd like to join the SL eBid Group, please PM me for an Invite to help Promote your eBid Store/Listings!

    'Rupert's Books' for Unusual used books!

  6. #496
    Forum Diehard rupert691's Avatar
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    Back again!

    OK here's the details for the new contest! Pretty self-explanatory really!

    Good luck!

    Promote your eBid Sales with us on 'Second-Life'. If you'd like to join the SL eBid Group, please PM me for an Invite to help Promote your eBid Store/Listings!

    'Rupert's Books' for Unusual used books!

  7. #497
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    Hi everyone!

    A couple of quick updates.

    I've eventually heard form Linden Labs regarding the problems we have been experiencing at the Mall. It seems there have been hundreds of areas all suffering from the same problem. Reading between the lines, when SL crashed the other night, 'the powers that be' in their haste to get it up and running again, didn't set some of the land options correctly. Subsequently, a great number of residents, including ourselves have suffered. I have been informed that they are 'looking into' the matter and they intend sorting it out in the 'near future'. Again reading between the lines, it seems that all they need to do is to restart the system, and change the land options, but this means shutting SL down again to do it, and as doubtless they will be doing this for some other reason very soon, I think they are going to wait.

    Onto a more positive note. I have the names of the first two lucky winners in the new 'Draw' format. Both have won L$25 just for visiting the Mall. The winners are DarkANGEL Adamczyk, and Magesh Jarman.

    All you have to do to enter the draw and win free L$ is to just visit the Mall. If you are in the SL eBid Group and are chosen at random from the 'visitor list', you will win L$75. If you are a non-member, you could win L$25. This draw is daily!

    Many thanks once again, Simon.
    Promote your eBid Sales with us on 'Second-Life'. If you'd like to join the SL eBid Group, please PM me for an Invite to help Promote your eBid Store/Listings!

    'Rupert's Books' for Unusual used books!

  8. #498
    Forum Diehard rupert691's Avatar
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    Hi everyone,

    Lindens seem to have sorted out most of the problems now, and I can report that the Mall is 'rezzing' correctly now, with the exception of a missing 'flag' texture, which I will resolve at the earliest opportunity.

    The 'Daily Draw' is proving to be a very successful way of driving traffic to the Mall, and I cannot thank Peggy enough for coming up with this idea! For those not aware of the draw yet, the idea is very straightfoward. Just come along to the Mall. Our 'Greeter' automatically records who has vitisted during a 24 hour period, and two names are chosen at random from the list. One Member of the SL eBid Group (who receives L$75) and one non-member who receives L$25. The idea is that the more who become group members, the more receive our group notices, which in turn will help promote your adverts.

    Winners list so far (NM = Non-member, M = Member):-

    DarkANGEL Adamczyk NM
    Magesh Jarman NM

    Symor Anatra NM
    Julie Berman NM

    DarkANGEL Adamczyk M
    MissMISTERIOUS Rokocoko M

    MissMISTERIOUS Rokocoko M
    Carlo Juliesse NM

    Also, if you are on SL, don't forget to pop along to the romantic garden next door. This is also proving to be very popular and getting Residents into the area, which are then likely to visit the Mall and see the adverts. The garden is currently undergoing a slight revamp (after the 'great Narugo crash' of a few days ago LOL), with more emphasis being placed on SL Weddings.

    If anyone has any questions regarding the project, or SL, please contect me and I will be happy to help out.

    All the best, Simon.
    Promote your eBid Sales with us on 'Second-Life'. If you'd like to join the SL eBid Group, please PM me for an Invite to help Promote your eBid Store/Listings!

    'Rupert's Books' for Unusual used books!

  9. #499
    Forum Diehard rupert691's Avatar
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    Hi everyone,

    I'd just like to congratulate Nosty on winning L$75 last night in the Daily Draw. Well done!

    Also, this weeks exclusive Mall freebie is a Spider Chair, available only for one week before it goes on sale. Come and collect yours now, from outisde the Mall.

    I hope to also have news very soon, of an exciting new phase to the Project, which will bring even more residents into the Mall. Watch this space!

    Best wishes, Simon.
    Promote your eBid Sales with us on 'Second-Life'. If you'd like to join the SL eBid Group, please PM me for an Invite to help Promote your eBid Store/Listings!

    'Rupert's Books' for Unusual used books!

  10. #500
    Forum Master ropegg's Avatar
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    Hi Nosty,
    Congrats on the L$75 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    My stores:
    And Other Stuff
    Peggy A's Jewels

    God Bless and have a great day!!!!

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