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Thread: Recruiting ebayer's..help ebidder's..need advice..George Bush my most exp. item...

  1. #1

    Cool Recruiting ebayer's..help ebidder's..need advice..George Bush my most exp. item...

    Hello, I am being completely honest with this thread. I am hoping to get some opinions here. This is regarding selling. Since I have left ebay I decided never to put my eggs in one basket. So I am trying two sites. My question is this....I am offering everything on ebid at a fraction of my cost should I quit?

    Most items are under $3.00 with free shipping so I make nothing!! (thought this would be an incentive for gaining feedback for myself and new members.)

    I even went and made ebid promotional car signs in hopes to advertise ebid any way possible...some of you grabbed those up...thanks! I still have cheap signs available! I guess my confusion is with the lack of buying. I have bought!

    The most expensive item I have for sale is a funny (get George out) George Bush calender (I received two as gifts) and this item is 1/2 off the retail price!

    Anyway, I just thought offering cheap items would build FB for new members to ebid. None of my (I won't make a dime) items have NOT been bought.

    Should I stop this...(offering things for FB purposes only..as I make no $) and start listing my quality items?

    Sincere honest comments to this thread would be appreciated. I have sold on "the other site" but I am so much more comfortable with ebid's layout.

    I continue to support this site as my #1 because it is so easy to work with and list items. O.K., any suggestions???

  2. #2


    Firstly your items are not available to the UK, have you considered widening your market, and also add a signature link so when you post in the forums people have an easy way to find your listings. Have you emailed all your old customers, etc, etc read the forums to get the tips.

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  3. #3


    HI ellengenerous
    Me personally i would sell both the cheap things, (if you can cope with no profit), and the other items, that would make you some profit. You really don't have anything to loose listing the things that could make you some money, and maybe the cheap things would draw people to look at your other items.


  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by kengillam View Post
    Firstly your items are not available to the UK, have you considered widening your market, and also add a signature link so when you post in the forums people have an easy way to find your listings. Have you emailed all your old customers, etc, etc read the forums to get the tips.
    Ken has hit the nail on the head so to speak, I came over here in February, and spent a lot of time reading the forums and listening and acting on the advice I was given here with regards to selling. although with the items I sell I have got a restricted market, I have to date had 25 sales and made 5 purchases on eBid. It certainly pays to have your store link in your signature, as you only have to look at the bottom of the forum page to see how many, "Guests are Browsing". Marketing your stores/Items is the key to succesfull sales, so look at the many oportunities that are open to you to get your name out there, Forums, Blogs, webpages, emails to previous customers, Promotional items, etc etc etc. The list is endless, I use 2 to 3 hours a day promoting my items , and yes although I will no longer be involved with Feebay after tomorrow, I still use other outlets, Free ads, Markets, Leaflet drops, Newspaper adverts etc.
    Hope all goes well for you on eBid and you have success.
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  5. #5
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    why not offer your cheaper items as freebies for buying your other items especially promotional items

  6. #6


    HI Ellengenerous.

    as someone has already said list the cheap items and the dear ones.
    after all it is not costing you anything and its amazing what people look for.
    good luck.

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