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Thread: Duplicate content penalty if you have ecommerce shop

  1. #1

    Default Duplicate content penalty if you have ecommerce shop

    I have an ecommerce shop and when I had my ebay store it caused google duplicate content penaltys. My rankings in the search engine suffered because of this. Is there a way to choose not to have your ebid shop indexed by google? This may sound odd but my ebid shop will be very similar to my ecommerce shop. Perhaps they would be different enough not to cause any problems. It would be nice to be able to choose in mydefaults weather you wish your store to be indexed or not, then they could just put a noindex tag in the head.

  2. #2


    As it stands, when Google indexes the eBid content it is all listed as being in the eBid shop, not in the individual shops of the various sellers. Therefore there should not be any conflict.

    However, on a related matter, if you continue to run a site outside of eBid where you sell anything online, then you are not permitted to link to it from within eBid. (Just in case you had thought about doing so.)

  3. #3


    I hadn't thought of linking to my site because I know that is not allowed. However after checking a few veteran sellers here on ebid they all have links to their ecommerce shops where they are selling the same product. The links appear in their "all about the seller page" and not in individual item descriptions. So I'm a bit confused now. Are links allowed in the about the seller page?

  4. #4


    No banner ads are allowed on Ebid I know that.
    See all the items up for sale this week at Crazymama's


  5. #5


    Whilst the rule is that we can't link to ecommerce sites, it is impossible to check that everyone is following the rules. Those who insist on breaking them risk losing their accounts.

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