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Thread: Can anyone compose a short note for us all to copy?

  1. #1

    Default Can anyone compose a short note for us all to copy?

    I'm using the eBid parcel tape and the eBid flyers and I was just thinking that it might be a good idea to ask if there is an eBid member - possibly a retired English teacher - out there who would be good at composing a short letter/note for us all to copy (inserting our respective details) to put in our parcels for our customers over on the bay.

    I have tried to have a go myself but I am a bit concerned about coming across as either too pushy or a bit desperate. I just think it would look a bit more professional if we were all singing from the same hymn sheet, as perhaps not everyone has the time or the ability when it comes to composition, grammar and punctuation (I am putting myself at the top of that list).
    Any thoughts on this idea?

  2. #2


    Howzabout as a first offering:

    [ Hi | Dear [Sir|Madam|Name] ]

    Many thanks for your purchase!

    I have many other items [up for grabs | available | going for a song ] on www.eBid.net. Why not drop by and take a look?

    [ With Best Wishes | Kind Regards | Yours [Sincerely|Faithfully] ]

    (I'm a fan of short and sweet)
    Why use QWERTY? Get Broadband for your Fingers with Dvorak SKL!

  3. #3


    Well done sdk!
    That just about says it all without being over-the-top or pushy - I'm a fan of short and sweet myself. I think people wouldn't bother to read it if it was too long and involved.

  4. #4




    The message just needs to be put into verse to make it a little more catchy - and then we'd have a new product on our hands, professionally-printed compliment slips, or maybe in a greeting card format... any offers?
    Why use QWERTY? Get Broadband for your Fingers with Dvorak SKL!

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