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Thread: eBid logo should have .net as part of it! It's important!

  1. #1

    Default eBid logo should have .net as part of it! It's important!

    I don't know how it is in Europe or the United Kingdom with .net, .com, .org, etc., etc., but here in the U.S.A., when you tell someone that your selling on eBid, and if they remember what site name you said at some future point, 99 times out of a 100 they will type ebid.com into their URL window.
    It is just the way it is here on the correct side of the Atlantic. I have done it. Probably others have as well.

    Of course what they will get when they do that is this:

    They will look it over and more than likely go away not realizing they typed in .com instead of .net or they will click on one of those e*ay links.
    There are a multitude of people out there that are just starting to get into computers. A multitude of future customes. Any exposure they get to eBid should be as eBid.net. -- not just eBid. It should go together like 'bread & butter', 'salt & pepper', 'fish & chips' -- you get my meaning? It should be almost like one word, roll it off your tongue - ebiddotnet.
    It works. It will get ingrained. Once that happens no one will ever type eBid.com in their URL window.

    In fact the logo should not look like this:


    Every time some potential customer, in their endeavor to visit this site types ebid.com and mistakenly goes there instead of here, it is a potential loss, another potential word-of-mouth person which could have been spreading the news about how nice a site this is.
    Just my opinion, for what it is worth.

    That eBid package wrapping tape I saw referred to on another post would look much better with the eBid.net on it. That other eBid site is probably getting a lot of free advertising.

  2. #2


    It is a shame that someone else has bought the ebid.com web address as I think the 2 most important ones are .co.uk and .com and any others are a bonus.

    I have heard of some websites which have been able to do a compulsory purchase of domain names if the user cannot prove that they are using the name for a genuine purpose other than to capture customers from the company. I wonder if eBid management have approached them about buying it from them - if it is costing them lots of lost business with possible new joiners from across the pond, then it would be money well spent in the long run.

    Fortunately, the eBid packaging tape also show the website name in full - www ebid.net as well as the logo, so anyone receiving a parcel wrapped in it will know the correct web address.

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