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Thread: google adwords campaign left running oooppps

  1. #1

    Default google adwords campaign left running oooppps

    Oh dear,
    Remember months and months ago that adwords gave £30 (I think it was) of free advertising when you signed up? Well I signed up and then played around with it a while, at that time I was not a seller+ or the then equivalent so I only played around a bit. Then I ended the campaign, meaning to go back to it when I had become a fully paid up member and had a shop sorted. Never intended to spend more than the initial free money.

    Well I dont remember doing it but I must have started the campaign again. I got an email from adwords yesterday saying my add had been pulled because because it mentioned eBid in the text and you are not allowed to use trademarks. Surprised that this had happened, as I believed the add to not be running, I logged into adwords and found that the add had been running since May 2007. It has wracked up £51.04 which means, I guess, that after the free £30 and the £5 registration fee they charged (I think it was £5), it cost my £26.04. How frustrating. Especially as none of my recent buyers has said they found me on eBid thru the add campaign. I have been asking all new buyers how they found eBid and not all have responded but none of those that have found me thru adwords. My sales here have only been good this year and yet my adwords bill for Jan was only 8p and the bill for Feb £13.30. Which means that the majority of the cost was incurred when I wasnt selling very much at all on here!

    I dont know what I can do, I can and probably will, try emailing adwords to say that I thought that the campaign was stopped but if you were adwords would you give me a refund? I dont think I would.

    Its a very big oooops!

  2. #2

  3. #3
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    I never started my adwords campaign - although i did do a draft 'ad' and i did get an email yesterday to say my draft ad was pulled because it mentioned ebid and as its a trademark, that's not allowed. Now i'm going to double check google haven't charged me anything!

  4. #4

  5. #5


    I think you pay for every hit and if these dont result in sales its money going down the drain.
    I could be wrong about this.

  6. #6


    Yes, you pay for every hit. And £50 odd quids worth later.......

    Thats not to say that Google Adwords is bad. But I dont think it could work very well for me, and indeed, has not done so.

  7. #7


    Well I am getting some of it back, as I hadnt realised the add was running I hadnt linked my google checkout account to my adwords campaign. But as soon as I realised what was happening I did so. They automatically started refunding my Google checkout charges (based on my ad spend in Jan) and so far I have had £2.97 in fees refunded. If my most recent buyer pays me before the end of tomorrow it will be another £1.05 in saved fees. And then if I continue to make the same volume of sales next month as this I should get another £6 back then! So the total cost after my initial free £30 of ads should only be about £14. Fingers crossed.

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