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Thread: Do you think it possible that

  1. #1

    Default Do you think it possible that

    ebid will have a special offer for the seller+ account at christmass/new year? I almost signed up for platinum, as it was, but I just missed out on the special offer that was at £60 if I remember correctly. I would, if offered Seller+ account for £60, jump at it but £100 is just too high for me at the moment....

  2. #2


    In a tube of Smarties, will there be more red ones than brown ones?

    It's one of those questions that you'll have to wait and see to get the answer to. eBid might, but then again, they might not. There might be more red ones, but then again, there might not.

    Who knows?

  3. #3


    its not the red ones I'm after.... its the blue. I know its a worthless question really I'm just a bit bored and I want to sign up for seller+ and am almost doing it but just holding back....

    Obvioulsy hoping those in charge will read and think about it!

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by inversions View Post
    ebid will have a special offer for the seller+ account at christmass/new year?
    I'd imagine all those with gold membership are wondering the same, they must feel rather in limbo at the moment, more than a Seller but less than a Seller +

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  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Gothicina View Post
    I'd imagine all those with gold membership are wondering the same, they must feel rather in limbo at the moment, more than a Seller but less than a Seller +
    i`m gold at the moment and would consider upgrading if there was an offer on..i know some of you peeps will say,,,£100.00 is nothing compared to the listing fees the dark side would charge in a lifetime AND THIS IS SO TRUE but to be realistic, £100.00 is an awfull lot to lay out all in one lump when you don`t sell enough to cover that sort of dosh.

  6. #6


    hi lawrenceofarabia.

    i am a gold lifetimer anyway so i don`t need to renew so i`m not much help on that,,sorry

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Gothicina View Post
    I'd imagine all those with gold membership are wondering the same, they must feel rather in limbo at the moment, more than a Seller but less than a Seller +

    So what am I now?
    I'm a Gold Lifetime member since September 2003
    I don't have a preference as to what type of membership name I have, it would just be nice to know what I am now


  8. #8


    we`re in limbo till we stump up £60/£100 quid i suppose LOL

  9. #9


    Well maybe doing a little nudgeing on here has helped, maybe they were thinking about it and just did it but the lifetime seller+ dropped to £70 so I signed up. Thanks ebid! So now I am going thru all my auctions to put them as buy now and in a store. And I thought I would also add a sign up link to them all. However I've come across a small problem with the link and I was hoping some kind ebidder would be able to help me. If you wander on down to the buddy points forum you will see my problem.


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