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Thread: The Truth is Out There. You have to see this.

  1. #1

  2. #2


    as someone who used to work for BT in the IT dept it does not suprise me that anyone get hold of company accounts and passwords, i used to spend a lot of my days resetting passwords for staff that either could not remember or we thought were too weak to be allowed to stay, yet every monday morning we would fire up the password list and every monday morning there would be 35% fruit, 20% thier own names, 10% would be 'password' and 25% unmentionable body parts.

    the only way for a system to be secure is twice daily random generated passwords of at least 12 characters and that would only work if no one but admin had access to the admin system.

    failing that smartcard logins programmed daily, and m ost comapnies would find that prohibitivley expensive.

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