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Thread: ebay links to ebid?

  1. #1

    Default ebay links to ebid?

    Hi Guys and gals

    We were just wondering (sorry if this has been asked before a few times) if you ex-ebayers link to your ebid auctions/shop on your ebay about me page...and if so, if you have had any trouble from ebay for it... better sales here and general good ...


    Rob and Lorna

  2. #2
    Forum Lurker oddity667's Avatar
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    I know a year ago I was warned about it, but haven't tried it since. I'll try again soon!
    A link in emails to bidders does the trick usually, with no reprisals!

  3. #3


    We were just wondering (sorry if this has been asked before a few times) if you ex-ebayers link to your ebid auctions/shop on your ebay about me page...and if so, if you have had any trouble from ebay for it... better sales here and general good
    I don't link directly to my shop here, from my about me page, I link to my website (sounds grand but it's only 2 pages)
    www.gothicina.co.uk which is allowed. That has lots of links to eBid on it & promotes the fact that my prices are lower on eBid,& I will eventually have a greater selection here. I does still show some of my Feebay listings at the moment.

    If you don't have a webpage, you don't necessarily have to learn HTML, some ISP's now offer an online webpage creator, much like the create your store, or listing editors, or even the advanced editor box on this forum. Nearly all ISP's give you free webspace.

    If your ISP doesn't offer this service/or you want to have more options, you can download Serif WebPlus 6 for FREE at http://www.freeserifsoftware.com/ full version, not crippled in any way, you can also pick up free desktop publishing & graphics progs there. All older versions but fully functional, just need to register the software, again free. WebPlus 6 will guide you through all the steps to creating your own webpage.

    You can put as many links as you like on your own webpage.

    I know some people just use a direct link & take a chance on getting caught.

    Hope this helps

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  4. #4

    Default ta

    Cheers for your replies

    Do have a website but its all messed up at the moment as we had the opporuntity to sell dreamgirl lingerie but now realised people dont want to spend 30-40 quid on american stuff , especially when i went on a clubbing forum and they were talking about their weekend shop in primark lol made me laugh but gutted to heeh

    do have access 20 mins away to adult wholesaler, not thinking of toys, just bondage and fetish stuff as i live near brighton

    Anyway, waffling away..not sure what direction to go and just thinking out loud. appreciate the feedback you gave


  5. #5


    The way I understand ebay's policy is that you can't link to another auction site, and you can't link to a page that sells something. That covers just about everything except a page that has links to other pages. Like ebid. Most Broadband providers give you 5-10 mbs for WebPages; so use them to link back here.
    Especially, the sites that offer FREE WebPages. The site will advertise your page, and your page will advertise your ebid site.
    Good Luck.
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