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Thread: Not happy with purchase, advice please

  1. #11

    Default Re: Not happy with purchase, advice please

    Thanks for the great advice everyone, I'll try emailing again and if that doesn't work, I'll have to try arbitration. On the point about feedback, this guy has a good record and I wouldn't leave a neg unless it was the absolute last resort, hopefully we can sort something out. Thanks again....

  2. #12

    Default Re: Not happy with purchase, advice please

    Thanks for the great advice everyone, I'll try emailing again and if that doesn't work, I'll have to try arbitration. On the point about feedback, this guy has a good record and I wouldn't leave a neg unless it was the absolute last resort, hopefully we can sort something out. Thanks again....

  3. #13
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    Default Re: Not happy with purchase, advice please

    The buyer is claiming the whimsies are all in a bad condition, I have sold over 150 of these as "slightly damaged" over the last year or so to individual buyers, and had NO complaints at all, he neglected to mention the second auction I had which had 99 stated as all badly damaged.

    The buyer seemed to want to cherry pick the lots, then send me what he didn't like back, as far as I'm concerned, I described the lot correctly, I'm not into over selling goods, as I don't like it done to me... BUT I offered the parts refund as his and my idea of slight damage could be slightly different.

    He also neglects to mention that it's only 1 day since his last email arrived, I don't think that counts as ignoring, especially when he was sent a reply about 2 hours ago.

    Great you can all make decisions when you don't hear both sides of the story eh!!

  4. #14
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    Default Re: Not happy with purchase, advice please

    The buyer is claiming the whimsies are all in a bad condition, I have sold over 150 of these as "slightly damaged" over the last year or so to individual buyers, and had NO complaints at all, he neglected to mention the second auction I had which had 99 stated as all badly damaged.

    The buyer seemed to want to cherry pick the lots, then send me what he didn't like back, as far as I'm concerned, I described the lot correctly, I'm not into over selling goods, as I don't like it done to me... BUT I offered the parts refund as his and my idea of slight damage could be slightly different.

    He also neglects to mention that it's only 1 day since his last email arrived, I don't think that counts as ignoring, especially when he was sent a reply about 2 hours ago.

    Great you can all make decisions when you don't hear both sides of the story eh!!

  5. #15

    Default Re: Not happy with purchase, advice please

    The Whimsies were described as "some perfect, some slightly damaged", maybe my idea of slight damage is different than his, but that still doesn't change the fact that there are only half a dozen Whimsies out off a total of 160 that were perfect. He mentioned his other auction, 99 Whimsies all damaged, I didn't go for that lot because I was interested in the lot with perfect one's in them.
    As for cherry picking, I struggled to find ten decent ones and offered to pay him £20, because I felt bad about asking for a full refund. I said I would send the other 150 whimsies back for him to sell on, I thought that was fair, especially as he says that everyone else he has sold to has been happy, so he could easily get rid of them.
    As for the emails, he responded on Sunday saying that he wouldn't give a refund but would come to an agreement but not so far one sided. So I emailed him back and said fine lets come to an agreement. I have had no reply to any of the emails I have sent since then, until he has obviously seen this post.
    We both see things differently and judging by the guys feedback, I can see that he is an honest trader and has not intended to mislead. But it doesn't change the fact that I have paid £100 for a load of Whimsies that, in my opinion, look like they have come off a skip.

  6. #16

    Default Re: Not happy with purchase, advice please

    The Whimsies were described as "some perfect, some slightly damaged", maybe my idea of slight damage is different than his, but that still doesn't change the fact that there are only half a dozen Whimsies out off a total of 160 that were perfect. He mentioned his other auction, 99 Whimsies all damaged, I didn't go for that lot because I was interested in the lot with perfect one's in them.
    As for cherry picking, I struggled to find ten decent ones and offered to pay him £20, because I felt bad about asking for a full refund. I said I would send the other 150 whimsies back for him to sell on, I thought that was fair, especially as he says that everyone else he has sold to has been happy, so he could easily get rid of them.
    As for the emails, he responded on Sunday saying that he wouldn't give a refund but would come to an agreement but not so far one sided. So I emailed him back and said fine lets come to an agreement. I have had no reply to any of the emails I have sent since then, until he has obviously seen this post.
    We both see things differently and judging by the guys feedback, I can see that he is an honest trader and has not intended to mislead. But it doesn't change the fact that I have paid £100 for a load of Whimsies that, in my opinion, look like they have come off a skip.

  7. #17
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    Default Re: Not happy with purchase, advice please

    If you check the times on the email and the post, the email went long before the post, as I was not aware of this until about 9.15 last night when another member alerted me.

    Your description of the wades is rubbish, and you can sell them easily for far more than you have bought them for the condition is nothing like you are implying, you are now just trying to gain sympathy on this forum.

    The wades where sold in such large lots, because we have loads of large batches of stock of various things, which although have all sold for profit, we want to clear as we have new items due in.. We had around 500 whimisies, all in similar condition, all of them sold for between £1 & £9 depending on which charater they where.. And ALL where described as "slight damage", people even paid up to £2 for them at boot sales, IN the condition you describe as ready for the skip.

    As for emails drying up, I don't know how you can say that when there was only a day or so between emails.. That I would call impatience.

    I see NO reason why I should refund or come to any agreement over theis, I don't feel in the wrong at all, but if you will take this back to email rather than raking it in the mud I will discuss it but do not make any promises

  8. #18

    Default Re: Not happy with purchase, advice please

    I thought it only fair to end this post by saying that things have been resolved and the seller has given a refund that we are both happy with. Also, as I said before, this guy is obviously an honest trader, I never disputed that, it was simply a difference of opinion about the Whimsies.

  9. #19

    Default Re: Not happy with purchase, advice please

    Quote Originally Posted by norvek
    I thought it only fair to end this post by saying that things have been resolved and the seller has given a refund that we are both happy with. Also, as I said before, this guy is obviously an honest trader, I never disputed that, it was simply a difference of opinion about the Whimsies.
    I'm glad to hear it was resolved amicably between the two of you. Subjective descriptions are always tricky because they are open to different interpretations. Good luck to both of you in your future trades. xx

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