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Thread: Over half a million auctions at last!!!!

  1. #66871

    Default Re: Over half a million auctions at last!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by cornishmaid1961 View Post
    Attention troops ! Just popping in for a surprise inspection, Private Towers and Private Ntings will be exempt if they can't remember where their kit is ! So sorry to hear about your woes.

    I just wanted you to know I haven't been lost in action and that my quarters have at long last sold after ten months on the market ! I am in the process of purchasing new quarters at the Cornish outpost. Quite a nice cottage, unfortunately no space to park the tank but otherwise all O.K. with a block shed (half needs repairing !) at the bottom of the garden for my stock so you won't be getting rid of me fast ! (what are all those groans I'm hearing ?!!!)
    I should be making the move sometime around the 1st February so if I go AWOL at this time I will be back, hasta la vista baby !

    Good to see you back Sarge, I have not been visiting the posts myself much lately. Hope your move goes well.

  2. #66872

    Default Re: Over half a million auctions at last!!!!

    Just dropping by because I wanted to feel included

    Feeling like I have achieved a ton of stuff in the year since Billy died.

    I am living alone for the first time in my life, as previously I have had either parents, siblings, my children or Billy about.

    The solitary life suits me and am now used to just me being here,
    “When life gives you a Monday, dip it in glitter and sparkle all day” – Ella Woodword

  3. #66873

    Default Re: Over half a million auctions at last!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by FalonTowers View Post
    Just dropping by because I wanted to feel included

    Feeling like I have achieved a ton of stuff in the year since Billy died.

    I am living alone for the first time in my life, as previously I have had either parents, siblings, my children or Billy about.

    The solitary life suits me and am now used to just me being here,
    Great to read that you are doing ok. Hopefully you continue to get any help that you need.

  4. #66874
    Forum Diehard Policequilts's Avatar
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    Default Re: Over half a million auctions at last!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by cornishmaid1961 View Post
    Thank you Private Elench. Oh my goodness you mean those pesky buyers can actually see me ?! There was me thinking my camouflage was top notch !

    Seriously Private Elench the mysteries Of Google Shopping are beyond me ! Interesting to hear that sometimes we are appearing in the side bar now, that always bugged me that the bay and craft site used to dominate that !
    I don't do anything in particular but I have a Google merchant account because of my own little website and there are affiliated links on there to my Becky's Hoard shops so maybe that helps ?
    The sales have gone down this year because of the cost of living crisis and also I haven't been able to list so much because of the impending move but I still get regular hits on eBid. Just recently a spate from the USA (glares in the direction of Private Police, can't you keep 'em under control over the pond ?!) so always worth offering your items overseas despite the horrific postage rates !
    I am looking forward to being able to search for new stock when I reach the Cornish outpost and get listing again as new items listed always attract attention.
    What are you blaming me. I can't control those ding dongs !


    We got some snow again and it's sticking to the ground. Ughhh !

    During the pass few days, I was able to burn a large pile of scrap lumber with nails in it.
    Then collected 3/4 of a bucket of burnt nails. ( great for cashing in at the scrap metal company )

  5. #66875
    Forum Saint maplegin's Avatar
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    Default Re: Over half a million auctions at last!!!!

    just a quick one said we'd have snow by morning so far we haven't & as am due to go & have my feet done in a minuet am glad its isn't, hope everyone else has avoided it as well

  6. #66876

    Default Re: Over half a million auctions at last!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by maplegin View Post
    just a quick one said we'd have snow by morning so far we haven't & as am due to go & have my feet done in a minuet am glad its isn't, hope everyone else has avoided it as well
    A very small sprinkling over night here in Mansfield, all gone by around 10-30

  7. #66877

    Default Re: Over half a million auctions at last!!!!

    Three flakes and a splash down here in Kent. Bit chilly mind...

  8. #66878
    Forum Diehard theElench's Avatar
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    Default Re: Over half a million auctions at last!!!!

    [QUOTE=cornishmaid1961;1735139][COLOR=#006400][SIZE=4][B][I]Thank you Private Elench

    [COLOR=#006400][SIZE=4][B][I]Seriously Private Elench the mysteries Of Google Shopping are beyond me ! Interesting to hear that sometimes we are appearing in the side bar now, that always bugged me that the bay and craft site used to dominate that !
    I don't do anything in particular but I have a Google merchant account because of my own little website and there are affiliated links on there to my Becky's Hoard shops so maybe that helps ?
    The sales have gone down this year because of the cost of living crisis and also I haven't been able to list so much because of the impending move but I still get regular hits on eBid. Just recently a spate from the USA [SIZE=1](glares in the direction of Private Police, can't you keep 'em under control over the pond ?!) [SIZE=4]so always worth offering your items overseas despite the horrific postage rates

    Sorry for the delayed reply. Somehow I missed the original post and only realised you had replied when I saw it quoted by Police.

    They're beyond me too, that's why I keep looking at GS to try to get a little insight to pass on to other ebiders. I think it's about the biggest asset we have to get our ads. and ebid seen by the wider world, but it seems no-one pays any attention to it beyond looking to see if they can find their ads. once in a while.

    Your point that having a Google Merchant Account with links to ebid probably helps to get "ebid - Becky's Hoard" onto the side-bar is probably correct but it isn't the only way as I don't have any sort of google account, but "ebid - the Elench" has now been on the Art Deco Glass search results side-bar for over a year now for anyone searching google to see.

    My sales this year on ebid have gone up by a couple despite the C.O.L crisis, with many of those sales probably coming via GS. Good luck with your hunt for new stock when you're settled-in. It'll be good to see some new listings from you again.
    ---------- * ---------- * ---------- * ---------- ---------- * ---------- * ---------- * ---------- * ----------


  9. #66879
    Forum Saint madelaine's Avatar
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    Default Re: Over half a million auctions at last!!!!

    No snow here in Wiltshire but the heating did the "it's cold" emergency switch on - which, of course, woke me up!

    4 shops for Cats Protection & Prospect Hospice
    My Postcard Shop
    BK Stamps for Philatelic listings
    & Yarnalong for craft patterns
    Lotzabitz -anything that doesn't belong in one of the other shops.

  10. #66880
    Forum Diehard Policequilts's Avatar
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    Default Re: Over half a million auctions at last!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by cornishmaid1961 View Post
    [COLOR=#006400][SIZE=4][B][I]Thank you Private Elench

    [COLOR=#006400][SIZE=4][B][I]Seriously Private Elench the mysteries Of Google Shopping are beyond me ! Interesting to hear that sometimes we are appearing in the side bar now, that always bugged me that the bay and craft site used to dominate that !
    I don't do anything in particular but I have a Google merchant account because of my own little website and there are affiliated links on there to my Becky's Hoard shops so maybe that helps ?
    The sales have gone down this year because of the cost of living crisis and also I haven't been able to list so much because of the impending move but I still get regular hits on eBid. Just recently a spate from the USA [SIZE=1](glares in the direction of Private Police, can't you keep 'em under control over the pond ?!) [SIZE=4]so always worth offering your items overseas despite the horrific postage rates

    Sorry for the delayed reply. Somehow I missed the original post and only realised you had replied when I saw it quoted by Police.

    They're beyond me too, that's why I keep looking at GS to try to get a little insight to pass on to other ebiders. I think it's about the biggest asset we have to get our ads. and ebid seen by the wider world, but it seems no-one pays any attention to it beyond looking to see if they can find their ads. once in a while.

    Your point that having a Google Merchant Account with links to ebid probably helps to get "ebid - Becky's Hoard" onto the side-bar is probably correct but it isn't the only way as I don't have any sort of google account, but "ebid - the Elench" has now been on the Art Deco Glass search results side-bar for over a year now for anyone searching google to see.

    My sales this year on ebid have gone up by a couple despite the C.O.L crisis, with many of those sales probably coming via GS. Good luck with your hunt for new stock when you're settled-in. It'll be good to see some new listings from you again.

    I think you are right about getting a Google Merchant account.
    This is on my plans when I finish up my websites.
    There is suppose to be more information on what's going on with your items.

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