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Thread: card payments??

  1. #1
    Forum Newbie
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    Default card payments??

    I have just opened up a store and currently accept paypal which is great but want to add card to payment options but i heard that if someone pays by card you the seller has to pay a transaction fee is that correct if so how much?
    thank you in advance

  2. #2

    Default Re: card payments??

    If you want to accept card payments, then you will need to open a merchant account with a bank or other entity who will process card payments. They (the credit card companies and the merchant processor) will charge you a fee (flat fee + percentage of the sale) for each transaction. Most will also charge you a monthly or annual fee, and some will also charge a fee to apply for the merchant account. You may want to check your bank's website for merchant account information to compare with Paypal's offerings and fees. You can take card payments either way here on ebid.net

    Paypal (or similar) are generally much less costly to you unless you do a very high number of transactions. Paypal also will process cards from customers who do not have Paypal accounts. For in-person sales, such as craft fairs or boot sales, Paypal also offers ways to process card payments using your phone or stand-alone devices.

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