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Thread: Cocktails!!! and Music

  1. #20061

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Boy, this week has gotten away from me and fast!

    I thought I hired a gal to clean my house every 2 weeks on Tuesday. She didn't show up. I didn't hear from her today, guess I will be looking for another.

    Thanks Trish for your kind words, I do love playing with my toys and fabrics. Redid an old comforter today to cover Sadie's bed. It has a washable cover, but it is a real pill to take off and put back. I made a small cover I can just pick up and throw in the washer and dryer.

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    I has rained almost every evening this week and Sadie has decided she doesn't like thunder and crawls under the bed in the room nearest to me. Right now it is the office. She is almost too big to crawl under the bed.

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    I hope this isn't driving you guys nuts - penguin #5 got into the John Deere stuff.

    I went to Cheyenne last night for sewing club and it rained in there, but it didn't look very wet here when I got home. This morning Sadie got her paws muddy, so it must have rained in the night.

    The place where I bought my new sewing machine and where we have sewing club got the opportunity to move into a bigger space and it is so nice. They have had just a bitty place for years - as long as I can remember. The owner was telling some one last night that their store used to need a very big shoe horn to get all the sewing club inside.

    Last edited by wyocowgirl1; 12th September 2019 at 01:00 AM.
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  2. #20062

  3. #20063

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Well, where has the time gone?
    Just cannot believe that it's been almost a month since I signed in!

    Thanks for the choons books, t'is always good to restock the ole jukebox!
    Hey Wyo, how's things? I love your latest works of art - how cute is that Penguin? Hope Sadie is doing well, and not been scared by the thunder. Reina isn't scared, but she barks as she thinks it maybe an intruder knocking about!

    Another hectic weekend here, I had to cook beer battered cod and chips (and mushy peas! ) for eight on Friday.
    I fear I'm getting too old for all this catering malarky. When I used to be a landlady in my pubs I thought nothing of cooking for many people, now I get so stressed out! Dom, Lauren and the girls have gone back to Laurens, so the Sunday roast is only for three today ...yippee!

    We had a lovely holiday in Costa Del Sol, although it was marred by the fact that JR couldn't get about much after the first two days as his ankles swole up so much and were too painful for him to walk. Lucia and I had to console ourselves with lazing by the pool and getting our money's worth of all inclusive drinks from the pool bar! Sure miss that sunshine, it has been a really horrible day here - pouring down with rain almost all day. The poor dogs haven't been able to romp around the garden, Frank the sausage dog is a right girls blouse when it comes to getting wet! He hates rain.

    Now, since we have the sad news that we have lost a fine, talented musician - Ginger Baker ......
    here are a few choons to listen to. RIP Ginger.

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  4. #20064
    Forum Saint HerMajesty's Avatar
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    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Love the music and the talented seamstress on board! Wish we had some of that sun, Trish. I've never been to Costa del Sol, but it sounds great.

    Ta-Ta for now!


    Slide Inn for Vintage 35mm photographic slides

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  5. #20065

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    (Curtsies to Her Maj)
    Glad you like the music ma'am, and yes I agree - Costa Del Sol is great. We go back there every September time for a last dose of the glorious sunshine before winter (and my depression) sets in!
    Sure wished that the sun was shining here too. Weather forecast doesn't look very good at all.

    A quiet weekend for me, no family to cater for this week, Lucia will be here for roast dinner later. JR treated me to a lovely full English breakfast this morning, which I enjoyed as I love having a meal cooked for me.
    The dogs are miserable as it's too wet for them outside, the lawns have turned into mud baths.

    To remind me of hot Spanish days, going to play this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ad1CiMhgpUA whilst mopping the floors. Could make a decent dancing partner, my mop!
    PS: Choons are: Kiss me a lot / When the Sun Heats / Perhaps, Perhaps, Perhaps / Without You
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  6. #20066

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Hello all from good ole Wyoming! Up until Wednesday the 9th the weather has been lovely. Wednesday night turned cold and we had thunder storms. Sadie spent an hour under the bed! When she went to bed for the night she wanted under her quilt I made her. Such a dog! Thursday we got 2 of the promised 8 inches of snow and all of the wind and cold. The high was 15F. Really glad we got short changed on the snow. Friday it was up to 37F and yesterday and today have been lovely only small patches of snow left in shady spots. Thursday was a snow day or as my friend says sew day! I think I would like to go to Costa del Sol too, does your majesty need a body guard? We were lucky Montana had a snow storm the week before and they are now a disaster area.

    I have been into Cheyenne and got the instructions and settings for my new sewing machine. I got 4 hours included with the machine, which they usually do in 2 sessions, but since I live out in the County and I had been using the machine she did both together. In the process the instructor had the cutest "Thread Catcher" ( a pincushion and small bag designed for threads and scraps). She gave me the info and I bought the pattern and I have completed the pin cushion and only have a few steps left to finish the scrap bag. So brace yourself for more pictures. I have some ideas for embroidery on my turtle pin cushions, so got to keep going.

    We had sewing club meeting on the 8th always lots of fun and informative. We are getting lots of new members - perhaps because of the expanded store space. I forgot to put the new tags on my car (expired in September), so I had to drive the pick up. I had bought them and had them, just forgot to put them on. I am so mistreated! Just about as much as my dog is. I put tags on both vehicles today so I am good to go until next year now.

    A friend from high school has been in touch. She has to live in a nursing home now. She has Schizophrenia and her husband passed away. I haven't talked to her since her mother's funeral several years ago. Trying to find a time to go visit. She asked if she could come live with me. The disease talking i'm sure. I had to say no. So sad, she was a very pretty girl, but her brain just doesn't work all the time. We had a lot of fun together back in the day. She sews better than I do, or did once upon a time.

    It's bowling season again and Dee and I have changed to Wednesday night as his day off changed. He got a promotion. His wife rides along with us and we have a gay old time. I am on the look out for puns for him. The one for this week is What do you get when you cross a rooster, a dog, and a ghost? A Cock a poodle Boo! Yuk, Yuk.I have had a couple of good nights - Yay!

    Sadie has learned a new trick. I taught her to speak, and then I taught her to use her indoor voice. Now she whispers. Sometimes she just moves her mouth it's so soft. I am trying to teach her to heel too. She picks things up fairly quickly. I suppose once she learns it will be too nasty for many outings. Then next Spring she'll have to learn again. The gal who has been cleaning my house has taught her not to be so scared of the vacuum (Hoover). She tells her to "get it!" If she catches it, who knows what will happen, We have finished the ceiling fans and light fixtures and boy are they pretty.

    I don't know if I will survive another election, the accusations and name calling has started all ready as I am sure most of you have seen in the news. I think we deserve what we have gotten because we've been lax at paying attention, voting and holding our Civil servants accountable.

    OK, that's about all I can think of for now. Maybe I will have a picture of my latest project soon.

    Everyone please take care!
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  7. #20067
    Forum Saint HerMajesty's Avatar
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    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Sweet dreams everyone!
    Ta-Ta for now!


    Slide Inn for Vintage 35mm photographic slides

    ALSO!! Click below to see my store, THE BEE'S KNEES!

  8. #20068

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Right, wake up everyone. Today is the start of YDC181 the monthly charity auction here on eBid. Loads of great items are on offer for some wonderful charities.

    So to get you in the mood for bidding here are a few tunes.
    Patrice Rushen - Forget Me Nots

    Shalamar - A Night To Remember

    Odyssey - Going Back To My Roots

    Quincy Jones - Ai no corrida

    McFadden & Whitehead - Ain't No Stoppin' Us Now

    Sheila B. Devotion - Spacer

    Baccara - Yes Sir, I Can Boogie

    Donna Summer - Hot Stuff

    Amii Stewart - Knock On Wood

    Why not click on the bear and make a bid on a YDC item today before they end on 28/10/19

  9. #20069

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

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    I finished it!!! This is a thread catcher - I just learned about them and I think it's gonna be a handy thing to have around. One of the gals in our sewing club has one she does a class on, it is square. I was going to take her class on Tuesday, but I was the only response, so I will wait til it comes around again. The class is from 10 am to 4 pm with travel time that would keep me away from home for approximately 8 hours. A bit of a long time for Sadie. And as usually happens to me, once I try to make a date, 3 or 4 other things come up that require my attention at the day and time. I think the square one will be handy for when I crochet as it will sit on a chair arm. The center of the flower is a pin cushion stuffed with ground nut shells for weight and it will sharpen your pens. The flower it sits on is for your needles and the bag hangs from your sewing table and catchers thread and scraps..

    We had a smattering of snow yesterday am and Sadie came in with muddy feet of course. But it was all gone by lunch time. They are saying there is a cold front headed this way for Halloween. If you have made a Halloween costume to fit over a snow suit, you might live in Wyoming!


    <a href=http://us.ebid.net/stores/Princess-Os-Treasures target=_blank><font color=#111111><span style=font-family: Tahoma>http://us.ebid.net/stores/Princess-Os-Treasures</span></font></a>

    I YDC, Do you?

  10. #20070

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Hey all!!

    Have missed you all but getting caught up here has had to take priority over everything I'd rather be doing. I've been longing for a day when I can do something just because I'd like to instead of "because it NEEDS to be done". I got an extra hour today (time change) so I'm using it to catch up with all you've been doing and tell/show you a bit about what I've been up to.

    I am very grateful that my strength (got back 4 lbs of muscle weight - when you can't use it, you lose it!) and energy levels are improving so I'm able to run about 70 mph for about 8 hours these days. I found out about 2 months ago that CBD oil had been legalized here and after taking it for just a week, started noticing improvement in the nerve damage in my left arm - everything started getting better after that. YEA!!

    The "extended" fall weather that we usually have here, sometimes through December, has vanished! I'm so grateful that I'm in the habit of checking on the weather for the next couple of months from time to time and became aware of the change, but it really put me in "crunch mode" for getting things done outside. September and October were colder than "normal" and we had a lot of rain. I did get the workshop/storage painted and the house pressure washed before it got too cold, but didn't get to painting the trim, oh well... heaven forbid I would have nothing to do except garden and yard work next year - lol!!

    We had out first heavy frost on Halloween - that's early here! But it means the grass won't need mowed any more so all that's left to do is weed the garden one more time, do general clean up, burn all the yard debris and a bit more "winterizing" for the outside critters and I'll consider myself DONE outside. I hope to get all that done this week between appointments with the dentist and some MRIs on my back. The neck is doing well but becoming more active has aggravated the mid and lower back issues and I want to see just how bad they are getting. Got an eye exam last week and will need to go to Lawrenceburg when I get the chance to have the new lenses put in my frames. Also got my regular doctor appointment out of the way and don't have to go back there until after Christmas.

    We had one really bad storm that took out the electric and the local co-op said it was due to my tree branches, so one of the supervisors was out the next day to schedule a day for them to come and cut. While I was talking to him, I glanced up and to my horror saw that a huge sycamore tree, growing on the creek bank, had blown over - unfortunately it was "out of range" for the co-op to take care of but FORTUNATELY I know loggers and got a good friend to come over and help me get it down. It had hung up in a walnut tree and kept sliding down a bit every day, headed straight for the roof of the workshop. It was an amazing process to watch: to keep the tree from falling on the roof, he attached a chain and come-along to the back of his truck and wrapped the chain in a way that it would roll away from the roof as it was cut. The first picture was taken the day we cut the tree and the second is the rootball in the creek and the third is the tree on the ground - narrowly missing the workshop. The workshop is 60', so I'm estimating the tree was 100'+

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    I'm just so stinkin' happy that I got to paint the workshop instead of putting on a new roof - LOL!!!

    All the "kids" are doing pretty good. The cattery cats are getting fat and older - youngest is 13 - and in good health for their age. Jack (Great Pyr) is now 12 years old and can't jump up on his dog house any more. The new outside mousers are getting along well and I've been gifted with 1 mouse, 3 moles, a ground squirrel and a frog. The new house mouser is a comical pain in the butt and doesn't understand why the munchkin girls won't play. I tried to explain to him that they are "old ladies" (13 & 16 y/o) but he doesn't seem to understand??? LOL!!! Buster is now as big as Jake and the two have become best pals. I've been working on his training but he seems to be in his "terrible 2's" stage now and only listens when he wants to - but like with 2 legged kids, this too shall pass.

    Since this is the "Cocktails and Music" forum, I guess it is appropriate to share that I've been experimenting with flavoring some shine. Got a batch now that I'm trying to turn into "Fireball" but I'm not quite satisfied with it yet. I've also been getting my music "fix" these days. I dug out my old cd/tape player and it didn't work so I bought a new one. Now if I'm working in one location for a period of time I can listen to "choons" and if no one is around I've even been dancing while I work!

    Y'all take care! Soon I'll be "stuck" inside and doing a floor to ceiling cleaning and finishing up projects started 2 years ago but that is boring so I'll want to take more breaks and drop in more often.


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