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Thread: Hello Again! I have been gone for a while..but now I am back!

  1. #1

    Default Hello Again! I have been gone for a while..but now I am back!

    Hello fellow ebidders! I have been gone for a bit..but I am back! Things have been very crazy at my house..even crazier than normal!

    My 18 year old special needs son just got out of the hospital after an 11 day stay..that is the 3rd lengthy stay in the last 30 days..he is very ill with Osteomyelitis..a very rare and serious bone infection. He also has something called Histiocytosis..a rare Cancer like disease..these 2 terrible issues are really kicking his butt..He is also recovering from a fractured hip..compliments of the bone disease..so he has to walk with a walker and use a wheelchair..just awful considering that just 5 months ago he was running and playing like normal.

    He is home now with IV antibiotics that I am administering daily. He will be on those for the next month or so. I guess I always wanted to me a nurse..here is my chance..right? Uhhh..so not fun when its on your own child. Plus he is special needs..he is 18 and has the brain capacity of a 6 year old..so he is having a hard time understanding what is going on. All he knows is that he is sick..and feels like crap!

    Soooo..with all of that going on..I still have the wonderful Christopher and his amazing Autistic self! He is still non verbal and quite aggressive..pinching and biting away! He is 7 now and he has the brain capacity of an 18 month old..ahhh..life!!

    I also have our 9 year old "normal" son Andrew who is just amazing! I try my best to give him all of the attention I can so he does not feel left out with his brothers needing so much from us..I wish I could just clone myself!

    I need to be on here listing just to keep sane!! LOL

    Feel free to stop by my store..I am adding things each day as much as I can.

    My oldest son DJ who is 29 now lives in Chicago and he has graciously set up a fund raiser for Aaron and us..its been a long road since January when all of this started. My husband has not been able to make it to work with all of the issues and hospital stays and he has run out of vacation time..so we are really flat broke. So, if you have time please check out this fund raiser and share it to anyone that you think could help us out. I am usually on the other end of this, donating to help others..but now we need all of the help and prayers we can get.


    That is the link to the fund rasier..please do not feel pressured..but also please help us if you can

    God Bless and thank you so much!!

    Beautiful jewelry for the entire family!

  2. #2
    Forum Saint
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    Default Re: Hello Again! I have been gone for a while..but now I am back!

    You do have your hands full! And I hope things will ease sooner rather than later.

  3. #3
    Forum Saint madelaine's Avatar
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    Default Re: Hello Again! I have been gone for a while..but now I am back!

    However do you have time to do anything but care for them? You must be amazing!

    4 shops for Cats Protection & Prospect Hospice
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    BK Stamps for Philatelic listings
    & Yarnalong for craft patterns
    Lotzabitz -anything that doesn't belong in one of the other shops.

  4. #4
    Forum Saint maplegin's Avatar
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    Default Re: Hello Again! I have been gone for a while..but now I am back!

    You are amazing managing all that yourself, hope things improve for you.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Hello Again! I have been gone for a while..but now I am back!

    Wow! Puts everything into perspective...

    My thoughts and prayers are with you, good luck with the fund raising

  6. #6

    Default Re: Hello Again! I have been gone for a while..but now I am back!

    Thank you all so much! Yes..I do have my hands full..but good thing about that is..I never get bored! LOL

    My son seems to be responding well to the antibiotics..its a very SLOW process..which is why he has to be on them for 6 weeks. Osteomyelitis is a VERY serious condition..and it can be fatal..its right up there with Cancer..so we are praying each and every day that he makes a full recovery.

    I am so glad to be back here..everyone on ebid is so very friendly and helpful..I really missed being on here..

    I have about 50 items listed so far..and tons more to go! Its basically therapeutic for me to list! I love it..its the only time I am completely relaxed..strange, eh? LOL

    Anyhoo..thank you all for your kind words..and once I get back on my feet financially, I will be shopping in your stores!

    Beautiful jewelry for the entire family!

  7. #7

    Default Re: Hello Again! I have been gone for a while..but now I am back!

    Wow..my signature was not working..LOL..just fixed it! Stop by my store and check me out!

    Beautiful jewelry for the entire family!

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