Quote Originally Posted by zaranvalesasterix View Post
No problem though as Astral has the negatives, so we just need to wait for him to list them!
As I reported the posts for being offensive I am hardly likely to post them back on the forums. I kept copies only in case I needed to substantiate my report to admin for any reason.

One of the sad things is that I agreed with some valid points that were made - just not the way they were made. Calling fellow users morons (amongst other things) just because they hold different views to yourself is very eBayesque, and not a direction in which I wish to see the eBid forums go.

It is very rare I report a post. I never do so simply because I disagree with another's views on a subject. What's the saying... "I may disagree with what you say but I will defend to the hilt your right to say it"? The right to express a view does not include the right to be needlessly offensive in doing so - at least in my book it doesn't.

I don't know about any suspensions; that would be an eBid decision based on their view of the content of the posts.