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Thread: Google +

  1. #1

  2. #2

  3. #3

    Default Re: Google +

    The G+ button doesn't really increase outside visibility to much extent - although a lot of people think it does.

    For example a listing search using basic keywords may come up on an organic search on page 10 - if you were to use the G+ button on that listing then a repeat of that search can mean that it comes up on page 1. However do the search again in a 'private search' and it would still be on page 11. Hence it only moves that listing up for you - as you have used G+ on the listing then the relevance to you has gone up. Yes visibility would be increased on a search engine for those already in your circles - but if they are already in your circles then they should know about it already.

    If you used the G+ on something - those within your circles who are searching for something that sort of matches what you have previously G+'d then they would see in a search that you had G+'d that article/item. So it is more of a browsing aid - if you +1 something those within your circles who search for something along similar lines then it is likely that your +1 will shift that item towards the top (or higher than it would have been) of the search.

    So the positives of using it: Those already in your circles are more likely to get eBid show up in normal and relevant google searches far higher than they otherwise would do.

    I don't really see any negatives - it is not that intrusive, certainly not like other social media 'likes' etc...

  4. #4

    Default Re: Google +

    Thank you Dean. I've been trying to do a lot of plus 1's on the items that the other Dean from eBid is sharing. Then I got wondering if it made sense to do it or not. What you've written makes sense and I appreciate that you took the time to respond.

    Also want to thank you for your previous help on Google Analytics.

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Google +

    Also the more +1s a website gets the higher up organic search rankings it will go too, as Google see this as a way of deciding how popular a website is and have stated that this will be used more in future Google search versions.

  6. #6

  7. #7

  8. #8

    Default Re: Google +

    Bumping this up again. If you are a Google + member, please join the eBid group so that I can add you to circles and plus 1 your items when you share them there.

    I'm taking a bit of an eBid break as I've got a lot of other things going on right now, but I'm still listing items here and doing +1s on Google + when I can. Several of the forum members are over there, trying to promote their listings and eBid in general.

    The eBid social networks person, Dean S. (and maybe other eBid staff, I don't know) share various listings. Lots of them. A person can search for eBid and follow the categories.

    People on the forum here are often calling for eBid to be advertising. Anybody here can help by setting up a Google account and helping with the plus 1's. Improving the visibility of our eBid listings and eBid in general by doing this is something we can all do. It doesn't even cost anything, in terms of dollars and cents or pounds and pence (or whatever other currency).

    Anything that helps eBid in the Google searches has got to be a good thing for any seller here.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Google +

    Bumping this.

    How long should it take for listed items to show up on Google organic?

    If I list 100 items, about how many of them could I expect to find when I do a search on google ?... the organic google, not google shopping.

    (I need a a googly eyed smiley face inserted here)

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Google +

    Marie, thanks for asking this and Dean and Dean thanks for the answers which make perfect sense even to this hardened Luddite, LOL.

    Getting ready to go on vacation, may look into Google+ when I get back, provided it's more like Twitter and not Facebook, as I don't divulge personal information online any more than I can help it, and IMHO Facebook wanted too much info. so I never bothered with it, whereas Twitter, with their request of just a working e mail addy, suited me just fine. Now if I could just figure how to get Twitter working again, it's been freezing me out for over a month now, ever since they changed their layout to include more pix, which I'm thinking my old puter doesn't handle too well.

    Best wishes for many sales to all,

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