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Thread: Is It Possible............Is It Safe..........

  1. #81
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    Default Re: Is It Possible............Is It Safe..........

    Acts of terrorism, perpetrated in the name of a religion, come from either a perversion of the true meaning of religion, or come from a false religion. I know of no world faith (not that I know many) that say to its followers 'go out and bomb, maim or murder'.

  2. #82
    Forum Lurker lakeleilani's Avatar
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    Default Re: Is It Possible............Is It Safe..........

    Quote Originally Posted by purplestevie View Post
    Several years ago we went to a local open day at a derelict church, we were asked if we would like tea and biscuits and sat down and chatted to the organisers for 5 minutes or so, then they asked us which church we attended. When we said we were atheists they got up and walked away!
    That's a terrible attitude! People are still people, no matter what their beliefs. Judging by the things written about Jesus, I'm sure he would have given you the time of day, Purplestevie, which is what Christians should do. A friend and I were visiting a little village once, and we went into the pretty church because it was open and we wanted to have a look around. The vicar came up to us and made it obvious that he would rather we weren't in his church. My friend asked him a few questions about the church and Christianity in general, and it was like he couldn't wait to get rid of us. We passed him off as an old humbug and laughed about it, but really - what are Christians with that sort of attitude trying to achieve? Exclusivity?
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  3. #83
    Forum Saint burgyeb's Avatar
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    Default Re: Is It Possible............Is It Safe..........

    Quote Originally Posted by lakeleilani View Post
    That's a terrible attitude! People are still people, no matter what their beliefs. Judging by the things written about Jesus, I'm sure he would have given you the time of day, Purplestevie, which is what Christians should do. A friend and I were visiting a little village once, and we went into the pretty church because it was open and we wanted to have a look around. The vicar came up to us and made it obvious that he would rather we weren't in his church. My friend asked him a few questions about the church and Christianity in general, and it was like he couldn't wait to get rid of us. We passed him off as an old humbug and laughed about it, but really - what are Christians with that sort of attitude trying to achieve? Exclusivity?
    Jesus would have certainly given Purplestevie or anyone of us his time and consideration. Jesus was often found in the company of unbelievers and those considered notorious sinners. He was often gentle with them and harsh with religious types, like the Pharasees.

  4. #84
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    Default Re: Is It Possible............Is It Safe..........

    Quote Originally Posted by lakeleilani View Post
    I have a problem with the idea that the earth is 6000 years old, and not all Christians accept this. Those who do, base their beliefs around the genealogy of tribes and important families that were recorded in ancient times. I question the time system used in these genealogies, and for the same reason I question whether some people in the Bible really lived to be several hundred years old. At the end of the day, I don't think it matters how old the earth actually is.

    I do, however, believe that God was the creator of nature, including the fascinating universe that we know so little about. We know that evolution occurs in nature, and we know something of how stars and celestial bodies are formed - or at least we think we do. But it all had to start from somewhere; all of nature is too finely tuned to have occurred randomly, in my opinion. Even when I was going through a phase of trying not to believe in God, I couldn't accept that there wasn't a designing mind behind the furthest reaches of the universe to the lowliest ant. I am wary of taking everything in the Bible literally, such as the 7 days of creation - a day could just be a 'phase', such as this occurred first, then that.

    I am not clever enough to be able to analyse the Bible in great depth, but as Squern says, it was written long after the events happened (in many cases), and people needed the message to be presented in a way that they could understand at that time. It is now just as difficult for us to understand the messages in the Bible in our times, which is probably why so many modern translations have been written. Personally, I find the Bible baffling, and usually some historical explanation is required to enable the message to be fully appreciated.

    Tend to agree with many of the points you make. I have never really given it alot of thought about the age of the earth; perhaps because at the end of my day, it does not really matter to me personally. Have never really felt any need to debate the earth's age, creationism, evolution, the existence of God, or any such matters. The time frame(s) that always fascinated me was "eternity" or "the beginning". These time frames seem so much longer than 6,000 years, or even hundreds of billions of years.

    I believe that God ultimately created nature, the universe, earth's inhabitants, and all that exist. I believe this by faith; can not prove it, and do not really feel any need to prove it. Have a love and respect for science and the rigorous pursuit of knowledge through the scientific method. Admire the brilliant minds of scientists, and appreciate the advances they have brought to our society. Consider them a gift from God, same as gifted physicians, nurses, social workers, artists, musicians, laborers, and even those who are skilled in humble positions. Each person contributes a gift to society in their own way, if they give it all they can.

    The Bible can be difficult to understand, but it seems it to beautifully blend the mysteries of the universe, history, the sciences, mathematics, philosophy, sociology, psychology, engineering, theology, architecture, creative skills/workmanship, every day life, and so much more. It is a book that seems to transcend time; spanning the past, the present, and the future. Some of the Bible has literal meaning, some figurative, and some symbolic. Enjoy reading or studying the Bible, even though it can be difficult at times to understand.

  5. #85
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    Default Re: Is It Possible............Is It Safe..........

    Quote Originally Posted by victorfrank View Post
    Acts of terrorism, perpetrated in the name of a religion, come from either a perversion of the true meaning of religion, or come from a false religion. I know of no world faith (not that I know many) that say to its followers 'go out and bomb, maim or murder'.
    I think that is true.

    So how do you prevent enthusiasts of a religion who dig down for true meaning of religion getting it wrong?
    Such as defending Islam from infidels, or pushing the words of the Bible beyond their meaning?
    Rev Dr Bill Hopkinson,
    Retired professor


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  6. #86
    Forum Saint burgyeb's Avatar
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    Default Re: Is It Possible............Is It Safe..........

    Quote Originally Posted by burgyeb View Post

    The Bible can be difficult to understand, but it seems it to beautifully blend the mysteries of the universe, history, the sciences, mathematics, philosophy, sociology, psychology, engineering, theology, architecture, creative skills/workmanship, every day life, and so much more. It is a book that seems to transcend time; spanning the past, the present, and the future. Some of the Bible has literal meaning, some figurative, and some symbolic. Enjoy reading or studying the Bible, even though it can be difficult at times to understand.
    I will clarify what this statement means to me personally. When I read certain passages of scripture I am reminded of all of the above disciplines, time frames, and meanings. Some examples found in the Bible are as follows:

    Mysteries: Paul speaks of "the mystery of the grafting in of the Gentiles" through the work of the Gospel [Romans 11:25; Ephesians 1:9-10, 3:3-6] Also "the mystery" of the 'catching away or rapture' [1 Corinthians 15:51-54]

    History: The Bible is full of historical text throughout the Old and New Testaments. An example of this can be seen in the Book of Daniel. The literary structure of the book is mainly historical (Daniel 1--6) and apocalyptic (Daniel 7--12).

    Science: In the Book of Daniel, one of the criterior of selection to the service of Nebuchadnezzar was "having an understanding of science" (see Daniel 1:3-4 KJV). The Prophet Isaiah spoke of "the circle of the earth" (see Isaiah 40:22). Isaiah, who started his prophetic ministry 720 BC, also refers to the creation of earth and the calling forth of constellations(Isaiah 40:21-26). Isaiah knew the earth was round, and yet that was a contemporary debate.

    Architecture (the art or science of precise building according to mathematical design): can be seen in the prophesies of Ezekiel, chapters 40--43. When I read these chapters, it seemed to me they could be used to teach math, including the converting of measures, ie, cubits to feet.

    Creative Skills/Workmanship: Bezalel was described as...."chosen by the LORD, filled with the Spirit of God, with skill, ability, and knowledge in all kinds of crafts....." (Exodus 31:1-11, 35:30-35, 36:1-6). He was to use his skills to create the wilderness Tabernacle, all of it's contents, and the priestly garments. Oholiab was also commissioned of God to help him.

    In relationship to time frames an the Bible, as past, present, and future.......if you consider the prophesies in the Bible, of only Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel..... Their prophesies included historical content or reference to the past experiences of God's people; included their present in terms of events that were fulfilled during their ministries; and all three have prophesied of future events yet to come. This can be seen with many of the former prophets.

    Of course, if one does not believe the Bible, then at best they might still see it's contents as very interesting reading. For those who believe the Bible, it is also a gift from God, designed to help them live a peaceful life in Him.

  7. #87

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    Quote Originally Posted by burgyeb View Post
    I will clarify what this statement means to me personally. When I read certain passages of scripture I am reminded of all of the above disciplines, time frames, and meanings. Some examples found in the Bible are as follows:

    Mysteries: Paul speaks of "the mystery of the grafting in of the Gentiles" through the work of the Gospel [Romans 11:25; Ephesians 1:9-10, 3:3-6] Also "the mystery" of the 'catching away or rapture' [1 Corinthians 15:51-54]

    History: The Bible is full of historical text throughout the Old and New Testaments. An example of this can be seen in the Book of Daniel. The literary structure of the book is mainly historical (Daniel 1--6) and apocalyptic (Daniel 7--12).

    Science: In the Book of Daniel, one of the criterior of selection to the service of Nebuchadnezzar was "having an understanding of science" (see Daniel 1:3-4 KJV). The Prophet Isaiah spoke of "the circle of the earth" (see Isaiah 40:22). Isaiah, who started his prophetic ministry 720 BC, also refers to the creation of earth and the calling forth of constellations(Isaiah 40:21-26). Isaiah knew the earth was round, and yet that was a contemporary debate.

    Architecture (the art or science of precise building according to mathematical design): can be seen in the prophesies of Ezekiel, chapters 40--43. When I read these chapters, it seemed to me they could be used to teach math, including the converting of measures, ie, cubits to feet.

    Creative Skills/Workmanship: Bezalel was described as...."chosen by the LORD, filled with the Spirit of God, with skill, ability, and knowledge in all kinds of crafts....." (Exodus 31:1-11, 35:30-35, 36:1-6). He was to use his skills to create the wilderness Tabernacle, all of it's contents, and the priestly garments. Oholiab was also commissioned of God to help him.

    In relationship to time frames an the Bible, as past, present, and future.......if you consider the prophesies in the Bible, of only Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel..... Their prophesies included historical content or reference to the past experiences of God's people; included their present in terms of events that were fulfilled during their ministries; and all three have prophesied of future events yet to come. This can be seen with many of the former prophets.

    Of course, if one does not believe the Bible, then at best they might still see it's contents as very interesting reading. For those who believe the Bible, it is also a gift from God, designed to help them live a peaceful life in Him.
    Nostradamus made prophesies, Arthur C Clarke mentioned Geostationary Satellites way before they were a reality and Star Trek had many things included that are in use, lets build a Star Trek church. Things mentioned in a book are just that, if people want to give them mystical meanings that is their prerogative, but it does not make them the words of God.

  8. #88
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    Default Re: Is It Possible............Is It Safe..........

    Quote Originally Posted by kreativebargains View Post
    Nostradamus made prophesies, Arthur C Clarke mentioned Geostationary Satellites way before they were a reality and Star Trek had many things included that are in use, lets build a Star Trek church. Things mentioned in a book are just that, if people want to give them mystical meanings that is their prerogative, but it dose not make them the words of God.
    You do not have to accept the Bible as God's word. Others may choose to accept the Bible as God's word, or to view it based on their own beliefs. All of these choices are acceptable. All of us are given the freedom to accept God and His word, or to reject belief in one or the other or both.

  9. #89
    Forum Saint burgyeb's Avatar
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    Default Re: Is It Possible............Is It Safe..........

    The Church Built Upon A Rock Via the Star Pointing From the East to Bethlehem in Judea

    The Apostle Matthew addresses fulfilled prophesies from the Old Testament (OT) over 12 times. He carefully linked the gospel with the OT, with at least 47 direct quotations from the Old testament. Most of Matthews quotations from the Old Testament were Messianic, r/t Jesus as the Messiah.

    Speaking of the birth of Jesus (Mt 1:18-21), Matthew stated...."All this took place to fulfill what the LORD had said through the prophet: 'The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel' -- which means, 'God with us' " [Matthew 1:22-23; Isaiah 7:14 NIV]

    Isaiah also prophesied......For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. [Isaiah 9:6]

    Magi or wise men from the East arrived in Jerusalem after following the star of the one born King. This occurred after the birth of Jesus. The Magi recognized that Jesus was born a king, and they had come to worship him. [Matthew 2:1-2, 9-11]

    Matthew went on to record Peter's confession, after Jesus had asked...."Who do people say the Son of Man is?" Peter answered....."You are the Christ, the Son of the living God." Jesus replied to Peter, calling him blessed; telling him that this had been revealed to him by the heavenly Father. Jesus stated, ........"And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it." [Matthew 16:13-18 NIV]

    Various interpreters have identified "the rock" that the Universal Church is built on as Jesus Christ. Others have interpreted it to represent Peter's confession that Jesus is the Messiah (the Christ).

    The birth of Jesus as a king, his coming as Immanuel (God with us), his identification as the Messiah (the Christ) is the reason for the season, the holiday of Christmas, that is celebrated by Christians. May the blessings of God be upon all as this holiday season is celebrated.

  10. #90

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