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Thread: Can anyone help - windows 8

  1. #31
    Forum Saint
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    Default Re: Can anyone help - windows 8

    Quote Originally Posted by HerMajesty View Post
    Well, OH said today that MS isn't supporting Windows 7 anymore. sigh.
    It's XP MS isn't supporting anymore. Give Windows 7 another year then that will be out the "window" as well.

    I just learned my way around XP now I have 7 at work and XP at home. It's going to take me quite some time to learn 7. Probably just in time for MS to stop supporting it. Why can't we just keep the programs we like and are used to? Why are we forced to change?

  2. #32
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    Default Re: Can anyone help - windows 8

    Quote Originally Posted by adruml View Post
    It's XP MS isn't supporting anymore. Give Windows 7 another year then that will be out the "window" as well.

    I just learned my way around XP now I have 7 at work and XP at home. It's going to take me quite some time to learn 7. Probably just in time for MS to stop supporting it. Why can't we just keep the programs we like and are used to? Why are we forced to change?
    I ditched windows a few weeks ago and now use linux mint - my only complaint is I wished I'd switched sooner
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  3. #33

    Default Re: Can anyone help - windows 8

    Quote Originally Posted by sucadot View Post
    I ditched windows a few weeks ago and now use linux mint - my only complaint is I wished I'd switched sooner
    Well as I said earlier, I use 7, XP and Ubuntu on different machines. I have Mint on a stick (sounds like the old cinema advert for an iced lolly!) which I used to track down Cheaver's problem with it a couple of weeks back. That basically is Ubuntu anyway. I've used Linux for many years, before Ubuntu appeared.

    The basic principles apply in a similar way of course. A new version appears and eventually they stop supporting the earlier versions, Over a year ago I was running Mint on an old machine in my garage-workshop and one morning found it would not start up. After much messing about I realised they had done an update overnight and that had caused a problem. Cutting a long story, and several hours, short it turned out the hardware was too old for the new version.

    I dream of the return of the Penny Farthing! LOL!!


  4. #34

    Default Re: Can anyone help - windows 8

    Quote Originally Posted by johnwash1 View Post
    So I don't suffer from all that wretched hidden stuff,.
    I check everything. but then I am not at all trusting in the computer sphere, I've been around them too long.I still have nightmares about racks of valves/tubes and air-conditioning!



  5. #35
    Forum Diehard DaisyChain's Avatar
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    Default Re: Can anyone help - windows 8

    Quote Originally Posted by Maelbrigda View Post
    Thats the problem maj there is no option to save.. I went to microsoft and downloaded photo gallery which was what i used in windows 7 and it works perfectly. i just had to remember to change the file associations. i think i hate windows 8!

    One of the possible reasons for not being able to be saved is its file type - from the above link

    "The photo is an unsupported file type. Photo Gallery can't open or edit all photo file types. To save a copy of photo and change it's file type to a format that you can edit, double-click the photo, click Make a copy, select a file type, and then click Save."

    Could be that your camera isnt windows 8 compatible yet...................

    In regards to Ubuntu, I wouldnt personally advise anyone to just try and switch to ubuntu. At the very least, run it on a spare machine, become familar with it and then switch to ubuntu if you feel comfortable enough

    Whilst it has got better and is amusingly going towards a windows type Operating system ...., to someone used to the windows way of things, it can become a huge frustration whilst you come to grips with it......
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  6. #36

    Default Re: Can anyone help - windows 8

    Quote Originally Posted by manstomar View Post
    In regards to Ubuntu, I wouldnt personally advise anyone to just try and switch to ubuntu. At the very least, run it on a spare machine, become familar with it and then switch to ubuntu if you feel comfortable enough
    That's good advice and avoids any risk that you affect what's on your main machine. But if you don't have a spare machine (and you're strapped for space, so scrounging someone's throwout isn't an option) you could "dual boot", in other words have both Windows and Ubuntu on the same machine. If you want to go this route, get assistance from someone knowledgeable, you don't want to wipe out your existing system. And ensure you have good backups.

    If you have at least a couple of gigs of ram, another route is to install VirtualBox and run your new trial operating system inside that.

    Quote Originally Posted by manstomar View Post
    Whilst it has got better and is amusingly going towards a windows type Operating system ...., to someone used to the windows way of things, it can become a huge frustration whilst you come to grips with it......
    Going towards Windows??? On the contrary, the past couple of years, with Ubuntu moving to the 'Unity' desktop, it looks and feels much more like an Apple Mac. But whatever, it really doesn't matter. These days most people find they can adapt quite easily to new systems, whether they're Windows, Apple OSX, Linux, an iPhone or Android. Of all of those, perhaps Win 8 is the biggest jump, amusingly enough! Way to shoot yourselves in the foot, Microsoft!
    Last edited by johnwash1; 3rd May 2013 at 09:33 PM. Reason: VirtualBox
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  7. #37
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    Default Re: Can anyone help - windows 8

    Quote Originally Posted by adruml View Post
    It's XP MS isn't supporting anymore. Give Windows 7 another year then that will be out the "window" as well.

    I just learned my way around XP now I have 7 at work and XP at home. It's going to take me quite some time to learn 7. Probably just in time for MS to stop supporting it. Why can't we just keep the programs we like and are used to? Why are we forced to change?
    You are not forced to change. XP will not stop working just because Microsoft stops supporting it.

  8. #38

    Default Re: Can anyone help - windows 8

    "Can anyone help - windows 8"

    The simple answer is no. Windows 8 will do exactly what it wants to do. I touch the keypad and things magically appear at the side of the screen, or the webpage/document will enlarge/shrink, or a new tab will open, or something else I did not want to do will just happen. I have checked the agreement on our new laptop and apparently we are not covered if I throw it at a wall in frustration, though the temptation is still there. I am hoping that eventually I will learn to control this beast or it will grow tired of deliberately doing things simply to annoy me.

  9. #39

    Default Re: Can anyone help - windows 8

    Quote Originally Posted by tony41 View Post
    You are not forced to change. XP will not stop working just because Microsoft stops supporting it.
    On the contrary. If you connect to the Internet, effectively you are forced to change XP. There will be no security updates after next April, so it's unwise to continue to use it, even though it won't actually stop working.

    Why can't we just keep the programs we like, why are we forced to change? Because unless you change, the Microsoft revenue beast will go hungry!

    Though it'll definitely be on a lean diet, try googling for: microsoft admit windows 8 failure.

    XP has had a pretty good run, it came out in year 2000! And few PCs that were delivered with XP will be powerful enough to run recent versions of Windows. Your best bet is to find someone who can help you put a system such as Linux Mint on that computer, it would be a waste to have it end up in landfill.
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