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Thread: Newbe saying Hi and with question on posting a lot?

  1. #1
    Forum Newbie
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    Smile Newbe saying Hi and with question on posting a lot?

    Hi to everyone. Interested in getting going here and learning the ropes. I have been reading the faq's and the forums. Everybody seems so helpful! I can't see to figure out how to list multiple items? For instance I want to sell engraved metal luggage tags individual no problem but in a lot of 5 do I list it as 1 item ( a lot of 5 ) or 5 items? 1 item makes sense but something about the way I am asked and the explanation given in the info makes me question it. Anyway any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance! Richard.

  2. #2
    Forum Saint Juliebabe25's Avatar
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    Its personal preference, but I would think about offering a set of 5 as a separate item at lower price.

    That's what I do.

    Welcome to ebid, we are getting lots of new members from the USA.

    Hope you get some other suggestions.

    And the next thing you should do is add a picture of you and something about you in your About Me page, and your shipping and returns policies.

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by renewme2010 View Post
    Hi to everyone. Interested in getting going here and learning the ropes. I have been reading the faq's and the forums. Everybody seems so helpful! I can't see to figure out how to list multiple items? For instance I want to sell engraved metal luggage tags individual no problem but in a lot of 5 do I list it as 1 item ( a lot of 5 ) or 5 items? 1 item makes sense but something about the way I am asked and the explanation given in the info makes me question it. Anyway any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance! Richard.
    Welcome to eBid!

    I'm not entirely sure I understand your question, but if you have multiples of the same item to sell, you have several choices:
    Offer them in a "dutch auction", where you enter the quantity available (such as 5) and the buyer chooses the number to buy;
    Offer them as a set of 5, in one listing, if you think it's something people would want to buy in that quantity;
    Offer them individually with a quantity of one and repost the listing whenever you sell one.

    If this isn't clear, come back and we'll chat some more.

  4. #4
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    Thanks guys. Yes I can see I did not word things that great. A dutch auction threw me off because I have never heard that term. I think i will offer it as 1 item a "set of 5" and yes they are cheaper and it is a different auction than the individual tag auction. What does "dutch auction" mean? I am still unclear how I would list under that option?

  5. #5


    I don't know what a Dutch auction is myself; that's just what it's called here on eBid. When you create a new listing, it starts with a quantity of one. If you change that to any other number (2,3,4,etc.), eBid then sets it up to process the purchase, but keep the listing running until the entire quantity has been sold. I've only used it with a set Buy It Now price, so I'm not sure how it works with auctions.

  6. #6


    The term "Dutch auction" has been totally bastardized by that other big auction site and hence its meaning has been completely changed from what it used to be. In years past, a Dutch auction was actually a reverse auction where pricing would go down instead of up, and the first person to bid was the buyer. Since the Internet was invented, the meaning was changed to a multiple-item auction where bidders decide not only how much to bid but also on how many items they want to bid in a listing. I think the name was borrowed from the expression "going Dutch" which means to split the cost of something, but even that doesn't make a great deal of sense as it is applied to the auction setting because individual items are not shared between bidders. But that's what happens when the Internet is run by highly educated people... highly educated in computers and nothing else

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  7. #7
    Forum Saint
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    eBid has moved away from the phrase "dutch auction" and it only seems to be used by sellers now, making it even more confusing for newbies!

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