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Thread: Google buying feebay!!!!!????

  1. #1

    Default Google buying feebay!!!!!????

    Last week one of our local television stations announced that there is strong indication that google is sniffing out feebay and might be making an offer on it!! Then the story went quiet. Not a peep since.

    Kind of an interesting idea. A definite split between feebay and paypal at last? Would google be able to turn feebay around at this late date? What changes would be made to the goofy selling policies? Could a company that loses at least 20% sales a month be turned around? Could its reputation be changed after all its dirty dealings?

  2. #2
    Forum Lurker aftech's Avatar
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    Nah, I prefer Google opens up its own ecommerce site or blow life into Google Base so feebay has a real rival besides Amazon (and soon to be eBid!). What makes feebay able to do whatever they want to do is lack of real competition.

  3. #3


    I know it's a 1yr 1month old and slightly off topic but here is a link that made me laugh http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/foo...e-on-eBay.html
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  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by craig7501 View Post
    I know it's a 1yr 1month old and slightly off topic but here is a link that made me laugh http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/foo...e-on-eBay.html
    Yikes, what next, the New York Yankees?

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by aftech View Post
    Nah, I prefer Google opens up its own ecommerce site or blow life into Google Base so feebay has a real rival besides Amazon (and soon to be eBid!). What makes feebay able to do whatever they want to do is lack of real competition.
    Me too. But I think google is really a sharp company and will think thru the whole thing carefully before it makes any sort of move. They seem to have very good staff, which is a plus for running a strong company.

    Years of setting the trends for online selling makes feebay think anything it touches will turn to gold. Unfortunately, fashion feebay and classified, their latest brilliant gold ideas, are a failure. As was GM venture.

    Feebay was always forward thinking, kept the public interested, always had some wonderful new idea in the works to increase sales. Now it does not even seem to follow online buying trends i.e. buyers now seem to like to skim the cream by going site to site with less loyalty to one. Add feebay forgetting excellent staff got the excellent results it had, another big mistake. Creating lots of enemies, bad idea too.

    Many companies have gone bankrupt doing same thing, especially when they start to disrespect their customers (i.e. smaller sellers). Others know that keeping the fear of failure alive and well is best motivation for growing a successful company.

    Only thing keeping them afloat now is Paypal. At some point feebay has to decide to reverse downward spiral by reorganizing, or maybe sell outright, and concentrate on expanding Paypal? Don't have a lot of choices now that they are losing money monthly on the feebay side. Trouble is that Paypal is being run the same sloppy way. Only a matter of time they run into trouble too. i.e. class action lawsuit concerning held payments.

    When you think about it, we all hate having to worry about the daily details of selling, not paying our bills, satisfying our customers, finding new customers, wondering about expanding and best way to do it etc. But that worry and tension actually makes us do a better job. We make better decisions for our business, with that fear in the back of our minds, i.e. I could lose eveyrthing! If we did not have it, we could get very careless. Feebay got a little too fat to care about where its next meal was coming from. BIG mistake.

  6. #6
    Forum Lurker aftech's Avatar
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    I agree with you 100% about mistakes feebay and paypal are committing, i.e., disrespecting sellers especially smaller ones, taking care of buyers so much that leads to opening door to fraud, raising fees so much that it wouldn't be profitable or worth the trouble selling in there, holding seller's money by any excuse etc. What I'm afraid of is Google actually buys ebay is that the monopoly continues. What makes the market healthy is competition. If Google buys feebay then correct the mistakes they made and makes it once again profitable and interesting to sell in there, I bet many sellers who departed would come back. As of now, feebay is not doing good as you mentioned and will be doomed in near future. That's the price they pay to keep the monopoly.

  7. #7
    Forum Saint JanetB's Avatar
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