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Thread: Getting started! Sales 101

  1. #31


    Quote Originally Posted by one2shop View Post
    Hi, I just register in ebid. I have few quick question to ask before i start to sell in ebid. I did register in US ebid, will all my listing show in other country ebid website? If i wanna sell in UK ebid, do i need to register one more time or i still can use the same account i register in US? Can someone help me out? Thanks.

    Hi and welcome to ebid! Consider shipping worldwide, lots of nice buyers all over the world.

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  2. #32
    Forum Saint
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    Quote Originally Posted by astral276 View Post
    No. Still.

  3. #33
    Forum Saint Juliebabe25's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dardonboi View Post
    Can we please have a thread for the totally computer ignorants. Those of us over 50 speak a different language than the younger generations. For instance our use of language:
    Link--part of a chain
    URl--something that needs spellcheck
    Website--where the spider builds his dinner plate
    Twitter--bird song
    HTML--something else that needs spellcheck

    I could go on and on but maybe someone can help with the problem that those of us in the Medicare generation would really like to join you but are totally confused by the lingo of the internet.

    Please help us oldies join in all the fun you seem to be having.
    My Dad is 60 and he understands all that language. (But then again he sold computers in the 1980's when they started coming in.

    The thing is people have to use that lingo or else we would be typing out hugely long sentences everytime. You do pick them up as you go along, and we are all learning.

    Computers (and software) are amazingly complex things, they are not a toaster where you just put the bread in and press it down. But programmers try to make the software easy to use.

    I mean to say 20 years ago, if you told someone that in 10 years time anyone would be able to sell something they made at home to a person the other side of the world in a few day, they would not have believed you.

    Ebid allows you to do that.

    My Dad and I have helped lots of older people learn computers, the only really annoying thing about it, from their point of view, is having to cope with viruses and spam.

  4. #34


    Quote Originally Posted by astral276 View Post
    URL = Uniform Resource Locator

    URI = Uniform Resource Identifier

    Slightly simplistic but basically the same thing but URI is newer terminology.
    Thanks for the support. I had thought I was all alone in the venacular.

  5. #35


    Quote Originally Posted by Juliebabe25 View Post
    My Dad is 60 and he understands all that language. (But then again he sold computers in the 1980's when they started coming in.

    The thing is people have to use that lingo or else we would be typing out hugely long sentences everytime. You do pick them up as you go along, and we are all learning.

    Computers (and software) are amazingly complex things, they are not a toaster where you just put the bread in and press it down. But programmers try to make the software easy to use.

    I mean to say 20 years ago, if you told someone that in 10 years time anyone would be able to sell something they made at home to a person the other side of the world in a few day, they would not have believed you.

    Ebid allows you to do that.

    My Dad and I have helped lots of older people learn computers, the only really annoying thing about it, from their point of view, is having to cope with viruses and spam.
    Well I am a little (my husband reminds me it is a lot over 60) over 60 and have conqured a lot of things. It would be nice if there was just a way to say push this button here or a simpler way to explain how things work.

    It is not that we can't learn it is more that you have taken a lot of the words we have used all our lives and turned them to mean something else. There is also the generation of proper that for us is ignored. I appreciate your response because you use puncuation and caps and periods where they are supposed to be. It is so much easier to read and understand. Remember when a virus was a cold and Spam came in a can.

    This has been a wonderful experience for me. Lots of help along the way and I enjoy the wonderful senses of humor that pat me on the head and say you are Ok, just a little behind the times.

  6. #36


    Quote Originally Posted by dardonboi View Post
    Well I am a little (my husband reminds me it is a lot over 60) over 60 and have conqured a lot of things. It would be nice if there was just a way to say push this button here or a simpler way to explain how things work.

    It is not that we can't learn it is more that you have taken a lot of the words we have used all our lives and turned them to mean something else. There is also the generation of proper that for us is ignored. I appreciate your response because you use puncuation and caps and periods where they are supposed to be. It is so much easier to read and understand. Remember when a virus was a cold and Spam came in a can.

    This has been a wonderful experience for me. Lots of help along the way and I enjoy the wonderful senses of humor that pat me on the head and say you are Ok, just a little behind the times.
    I love the dog pic!

  7. #37


    I am 67..got my first computer when I was 60...It's been fun, and not fun. I manage to stumble around. Usually there is someone to help when you really need it. Thank you Jan [jeweleffects]. Just don't play scrabble with her on Facebook...lol..she's tough!

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