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Thread: Facebook Link

  1. #11


    I have a question about the facebook button, will it post the link to my wall or should i set up a fan page for my store on facebook first.

  2. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by HaleysComics View Post
    I have a question about the facebook button, will it post the link to my wall or should i set up a fan page for my store on facebook first.
    It will post to your wall.

  3. #13

  4. #14
    Forum Newbie
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    Hey Florida,

    Again I appreciate your help and your friendliness. It is welcoming to someone who is newish to ebid.

    As for posting on CMON I can post a link but I'm still not going to get as much coverage.This is how it works. Most people list a miniature for voting and for people to see. You can then input your ebay auction id number into a field and click on "feature auction" and it features your auction on several different websites for the duration of the auction. I don't have to do anything else. This allows my item to be seen by many thousands of people. I usually end up with over 2000 views on every item I list which helps a lot. Without this I may end up with only a couple of hundred views and that's if I'm lucky and constantly promoting my listing by posting on forums every day that my auction is running. Having so much coverage attracts potential clients who want commissioned pieces as well as higher ending sale prices on auctions.

    To see what I am talking about you can go to www.coolminiornot.com On the front page you will see two boxes towards the right hand side of the screen. One labeled auctions starting today and the other auctions ending today. As you navigate around the website different featured auctions will pop up in the right hand corner of the screen. This is done on at least three websites that I know about that are partnered with CMoN.

    That is one of the primary functions of this website and it is extremely useful for people like me.

    I would like to see this enabled for eBid auctions so I can actually use eBid with the same degree of success as eBay. I hate eBay, I really do. Knowing that the owner of the site is willing to list eBid auctions is great but apparently he needs it to be easier for him to create the capability on the website to link eBid auctions with CMoN listings.

    I wonder if someone working for eBid would be able to comment on this?

  5. #15


    fieldarchy: I see your point, but I'm not sure why you don't just try listing some of your items and see how it goes. eBid uploads listings to google on a regular basis and that gets your items 'out there'.

    As for the site you use [CMoN], perhaps one day eBid will partner up with them. Only time will tell. I have found that ebid admin listens when sellers ask for suggestions, but of course they can not implement all changes requested.

    I see you are a seller+ member. If you paid the $49.99 lifetime, it does not cost to list. So why not give it a shot? You'll never know until you try it.

  6. #16


    fieldarchy, take a look at this screenshot.

    That’s from the original Gary’s Odd Stuff store I closed last year. In the upper left corner it shows the Hit Counter, and when that counter started. They are built into the store software and can not be changed.

    Yes, that counter is right, 1.3 million hits in two years, and never paid a dime to advertise. Once every other week I had to upload my inventory file to Google, and they sent close to 1,000 visitor’s per day to my store. That number doesn’t include MSN, and Yahoo.

    As a Seller + you get that advertising free, and you don’t have to upload any files. Just list your item and whenever possible offer it Worldwide.

    Gary's Odd Stuff II
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  7. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by gxjenkins View Post
    fieldarchy, take a look at this screenshot.

    That’s from the original Gary’s Odd Stuff store I closed last year. In the upper left corner it shows the Hit Counter, and when that counter started. They are built into the store software and can not be changed.

    Yes, that counter is right, 1.3 million hits in two years, and never paid a dime to advertise. Once every other week I had to upload my inventory file to Google, and they sent close to 1,000 visitor’s per day to my store. That number doesn’t include MSN, and Yahoo.

    As a Seller + you get that advertising free, and you don’t have to upload any files. Just list your item and whenever possible offer it Worldwide.

    Hi Gary. Nice to see another Florida resident on ebid. Good luck with your sales.

  8. #18
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    I'll give it another shot on here--I had things listed in my store for a long time with no takers. Maybe that will change.

  9. #19


    Hi Ginny, we’re neighbor’s almost. I remember reading a post of your’s and you mentioned Revolution MoneyExchange and it started me thinking about offering it as an option.

    fieldarchy, when you list your items give Google some help and use words that people are searching for each day. You can do that by going to seobook.com. I don’t know if you have to register to use their tools, but if you do its free.

    Once signed in goto Tools > Keyword suggestion tool

    I’m listing Albums now, so what wording will come up the most? In the tool if I type in “albums” you see the number 2 position is “album covers” with a daily estimates number of searches of almost 4000. “Albums” is in the 5th position with almost 2500 daily searches.

    When you search for “albums” in the 14th position is “beatles albums” with 1100 daily searches. Just 2-3 days ago I added, “The Beatles 1967-1970 Double Vinyl LP Set” to my store and its got 13 views already.

    I just found something out that surprised me. I have a Google Seller Rating of 6.
    Copy the album title into google and search it will come up with two others and a picture. Click on the picture and it will take you to Google Shopping. My item is listed first because I’ve got the lowest price, and the rating doesn’t hurt.

    All that because I used words people were looking for in the title, and ebid sent my listing to Google. Not bad for being listed for 3 days.

    I haven’t sold it yet, but my chances are looking pretty good.

    Good luck with your store.

    Gary's Odd Stuff II
    Your Neighborhood Store
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  10. #20


    Sorry, I had the number of days wrong. The beatles album was listed 7 days ago. Three would have been great, but I can live with 7.

    Gary's Odd Stuff II
    Your Neighborhood Store
    Fan Page Management

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