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Thread: Loving ebid already!

  1. #1

    Talking Loving ebid already!

    Not really a question just felt like gushing some praise :-) I came here from the pits of all evil which must not be named a couple of days ago and I have to say already there's no comparison. I've only listed a few of my things so far, I'm still figuring it all out and I've not made a sale yet - but I'm very excited :-D as far as views I've got a couple more than I usually get on the darkside with new listings, I'm buried amongst the mahoosive sellers on there, I had 100's of listings and 100% feedback and got next to no visibility. And as for fees - it's so nice not to have to be constantly stressing about them and actually get to just enjoy my hobby because that's all it is a hobby. Today is the first day in months where I've actually just been able to spend all day playing with my jewellery and having fun. I love the layout too, so much easier to use and I love the free shops, the way the shops are set out and the way the listings are set out. So I suppose all I want to say is thankyou ebid! Even if I make no sales in my time here at least it's become a hobby again, and less of a horrible burden.

    I will be mentioning ebid to everyone and anyone with ears.

    Sorry for wasting your time reading this but it's brightened my life a little already and I needed to say thankyou :-) (gawd how cheesy do I sound)

  2. #2

  3. #3
    Forum Saint
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Kingston Upon Thames, Surrey, United Kingdom
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    Welcome to ebid and I hope you'll get lots of sales. Just remember to tell people at every opportunity about your new 'home' and be aware that sales are slower here - it can take a little time.

  4. #4
    Forum Saint
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Kingston Upon Thames, Surrey, United Kingdom
    View meebo1's Feedback (+7886)
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    Oh, and do write something on your 'About Me' page

  5. #5


    Hello and welcome, I have not been here long but find it a friendly place. I read the topics every day and have picked up some great tips. I have sold a few bits but that does not seem to matter the people here and the chit- chat makes up for that. Your never along there always seems to be someone to help. Good luck your stuff looks good

  6. #6


    Welcome aboard.

    Hope you have fun on here.


  7. #7


    Yeah it's lovely Tia, I'm so glad I made the move.

    Thankyou Ric

    Thanks Cathy, I love your craft shop you've got some lovely bits and bobs

    I will write something meebo, didn't know I had an about me page to be honest.

    I've been talking about ebid on my jewellery facebook page. I've stuck a link on my darkside profile too, I'm hoping it'll redirect a couple of my old customers over here, not sure how long that'll stay up before I get a slap but if it sends one person over I'll be happy :-)

  8. #8


    Hi PunkyCupcakeJewels,

    You will make sales in time, i was a little concerned myself but decided to take the plunge so to speak.
    It is a lot better here than the dark side.

    I have only been listing for about a week and will make my first two sales
    in a day or so ( thanks to Meebo1 for bidding )

    Another corner turned............

  9. #9

    Default New as well. first sale gone through

    I too would like to say what a breath of fresh. cheaper air !!, this eBid is, and if you have a query almost instant help from frinedly people, quite a shock, I still sell 'over there' I have to, this is my living, but I am doing my all to promote eBid, business cards sent out, I had them made for my eBid store, websites built, for free but they are there and promoting us all, emails sent to the thousands of buyers I have had over the last 8/9 years over there and that was where my sale came from, it is worth it, I emailed a buyer from the other site and 1 hour later he joined here and bought a jacket, cool. Long may it all continue, and I have a feeling that this is the NEXT BIG THING, But we all have to work at it, I feel more like this is our site than I ever do over there, so whatever we can all do lets do it.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by PunkyCupcakeJewels View Post
    Not really a question just felt like gushing some praise :-) I came here from the pits of all evil which must not be named a couple of days ago and I have to say already there's no comparison. I've only listed a few of my things so far, I'm still figuring it all out and I've not made a sale yet - but I'm very excited :-D as far as views I've got a couple more than I usually get on the darkside with new listings, I'm buried amongst the mahoosive sellers on there, I had 100's of listings and 100% feedback and got next to no visibility. And as for fees - it's so nice not to have to be constantly stressing about them and actually get to just enjoy my hobby because that's all it is a hobby. Today is the first day in months where I've actually just been able to spend all day playing with my jewellery and having fun. I love the layout too, so much easier to use and I love the free shops, the way the shops are set out and the way the listings are set out. So I suppose all I want to say is thankyou ebid! Even if I make no sales in my time here at least it's become a hobby again, and less of a horrible burden.

    I will be mentioning ebid to everyone and anyone with ears.

    Sorry for wasting your time reading this but it's brightened my life a little already and I needed to say thankyou :-) (gawd how cheesy do I sound)
    Ah, that does sound familiar. Wonder who keeps track of all those silly rules over there? Nice to get equal exposure for your listings and not get all the dopey emails like over there.

    Welcome to ebid. You came at a wonderful time, as ebid is growing rapidly. Within six months, I think, many of us will be selling at the levels we were at feebay. ebid downloading continuously to google brings in buyers/sales. As a part time seller, you are in an ideal position to take your selling to any level you want.

    Follow the forums tips, get a nice selection of items, variety of prices,etc and the sales will come. Average first sale comes in 2-3 weeks if you have all your ducks in a row. If you have any problems, come back here, someone is always here to help you.

    good luck on ebid

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