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Thread: Promoting Ebid

  1. #31

    Default bookmarks

    The bookmarks are great ideas. I have my eBid site on all my packing slips now and am just awaiting the time that I will only sell on eBid. I have been fortunate to find all my purchases this month on eBid and at competitive prices.
    Hang in there - promote, promote, promote

    Visit my store at debs knicks and knacks

  2. #32

    Default eBid promotion

    I have had a load of 'free' business cards made and every time I sell on 'that' other rip off site, where at the moment I make my living, not for much longer I hope !!, I send one off, it has all my store details as well as eBid website, so many do not know of it. The cards were 3.47 I think and I got loads, the site is Vista print I am guessing like me you have seen the massive advertising they do, cheap and quite good quality. Also I have a website dedicated to sending people to eBid, again it is FREE, Easy to set up and build, took me an hour, and I am no expert, but I figure the more exposure. Now if anyone reading this wants a FREE link on my FREE Website let me know and I will add it, I really dont mind even if you sell the same as me, there are enough people in the world for all of us, so I have no concerns over that at all, all I want is eBid to smash the other place. This is my website,http://foxyplanet.yolasite.com not finished but up and running have a look if you want a link send it to me, I will set up a links page. From the limited info I have on the web it is just like a web, the more strands there are the more exposure it gets so if I can link to you and visa versa we all go up in the rankings, the outcome, well maybe not on my own but with others, the EBID site will become better known and will drive more traffic etc etc , one thing, never compare them with eBid, because when they started there was no alternative, and nothing to compare with. Here is the site, not selling anything only promoting eBid so I am not doing anything against the rules, merely, I hope helping a little. http://foxyplanet.yolasite.com

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