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Thread: More listings than usual?

  1. #1
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    Default More listings than usual?

    I never really paid attention to the amount of stores and listings on here from day to day to see how they changed before but, after feebay's "lowest rates ever" came out, I was reading in their forum. Alot of people there were talking about closing stores and leaving feebay because fees are raising so much. Since I read that and checked the number of auctions and stores here, there are about 40,000 more auctions and 11 new stores. I was wondering if anyone knows if this is normal for Ebid to increase so much in listings in a matter of days or if it could have something to do with the coming feebay changes.

  2. #2


    I just signed up for this site a couple of days ago after ebay's latest announcement sticking it to the smaller sellers. I have sent links to many about this site, and I'm hoping many others do the same!! I would love to be out from under the big ole ebay thumb! I hope it's a sign that this site will grow by leaps and bounds!

  3. #3


    The great thing about ebid is that for your lifetime joining fee you can list as much stuff as you want in up to 5 stores and it not cost you another penny (if you choose not to have a gallery picture) & even if you do have a picture (up to 5) it will only cost you 2% in FVFs.

    Now that is a bargain, so take advantage of the offer while it's still there (ends on Sunday) and get listing, the more stuff the bigger chance you have of selling, and include a buy it now option and 7 days + listing and you get free uploads to google shopping.

    As Alekander says simples

  4. #4
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    Welcome, we have been here a little over a month and also are hoping Ebid will grow more because of Feebay's actions. Sales aren't as quick here but some of the people who have been here longer say that the more you have the more likely you are to sell because it gets picked up by google. I have also been telling as many as I can. What we need is buyers here. I have been replying to all the paypal payment messages we get and giving them a link to our store here and telling them we are in the process of moving.

  5. #5


    Thank you! I'm sure I will be able to bring my current repeat customers here; but I'm hoping to build a new base as well!!

    Looks like a great site. I have a blog, and I am adding this link there in hopes of bring more folks in.

    Do you know if we can link here from Facebook?

  6. #6


    Welcome to eBid!

    Yes, the number of new sellers, new stores, and new listings is going up very fast. It seems every time #^&Bay makes a change, we get more refugees here. Our family store bailed out and moved here a while back, and I'm very glad we did.

    One reason sellers list more items here is that they can afford it. And, as we get more listings with more variety, we get more buyers. Of our last 20 sales, 14 were to new eBid members who found us on Google.

  7. #7
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    We are still transitioning but going to do so faster with the new fees coming. It is much more affordable here. You don't pay unless you sell even on the gallery listings. The other place is gonna charge 20cents a month for stuff to just sit. Alot of our stuff has been there too long to sit for that price and maybe never sell.

    Is there a way to tell for sure how a customer found you? We have had one sale so far and I suspect they came from google because they were a brand new member who had just signed up that day.

    Quote Originally Posted by TiasTreasures View Post
    Welcome to eBid!

    Yes, the number of new sellers, new stores, and new listings is going up very fast. It seems every time #^&Bay makes a change, we get more refugees here. Our family store bailed out and moved here a while back, and I'm very glad we did.

    One reason sellers list more items here is that they can afford it. And, as we get more listings with more variety, we get more buyers. Of our last 20 sales, 14 were to new eBid members who found us on Google.

  8. #8


    That would be a good thing to know how they found you, but I don't know how you can tell, other than to ask?

    Yes, most of my items range from 1.99 to 3.99 and a 20 cent listing fee plus a 12% FVF, then the paypal fees - that leaves very little left over for me!!

  9. #9


    When I sell something to a new member, I assume they came from Google because I can't think of any other way they could have found us.

    I may be wrong, of course.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by lordan37 View Post
    Thank you! I'm sure I will be able to bring my current repeat customers here; but I'm hoping to build a new base as well!!

    Looks like a great site. I have a blog, and I am adding this link there in hopes of bring more folks in.

    Do you know if we can link here from Facebook?
    Yes you can, many of us do.


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