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Thread: BigCrumbs and Ebid.

  1. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by james1968 View Post
    As I said in my explanation, Ebid has a different fvf model to the dark side.

    I know the 2 guys behind Ebid are never interested in any new ideas, otherwise I would be suggesting that they implement such a scheme 'in-house'. I certainly wouldn't mind an fvf of 3% if 27% of this went to a buyer of my goods. After all, if I sell an item for £10.00, the fvf would only be 30p, and the buyer would get about 9p with Ebid getting the other 21p.

    If this were implemented site-wide as an opt-in option, then it could generate enough money to allow Ebid to pay for advertising or to buy smaller rivals (like E8ay do). That way, everyone is a winner.
    Don't those paragraphs contradict each other.
    Paragraph two mentions that eBid would lose 27%, paragraph three says it would generate money.

  2. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by james1968 View Post
    As I said in my explanation, Ebid has a different fvf model to the dark side.

    I know the 2 guys behind Ebid are never interested in any new ideas, otherwise I would be suggesting that they implement such a scheme 'in-house'. I certainly wouldn't mind an fvf of 3% if 27% of this went to a buyer of my goods. After all, if I sell an item for £10.00, the fvf would only be 30p, and the buyer would get about 9p with Ebid getting the other 21p.

    If this were implemented site-wide as an opt-in option, then it could generate enough money to allow Ebid to pay for advertising or to buy smaller rivals (like E8ay do). That way, everyone is a winner.
    Buyers like a good deal, but receiving cash back in this way may not be applicable with our much lower fees. Guess we would have to analyze their buying patterns and see if this would pay.

    At this point we are asking new buyers to sign up for ebid when they see an item they want to buy via google search. We do NOT ask them to sign up for a new way to pay, etc. I think it would be pushing it to ask they sign up for this service when they start to shop on ebid. But that is just my opinion.

  3. #13
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    At the moment, Ebid has probably around 1.5M registered users. Most of these probabley the greater majority sell using the cheapest (fvf-free) options when they sell.

    If Ebid were to introduce a flat 3% fvf, then they will actually be generating MORE income, even taking into consideration that less than 1/3 of the fvf goes in cashback.

    The chance to earn cash back on purchases will bring new customers, and so Ebid will grow, and with this, so will the sellers profits.
    All good things come to those who wait, and wait, and wait.....

  4. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by james1968 View Post
    At the moment, Ebid has probably around 1.5M registered users. Most of these probabley the greater majority sell using the cheapest (fvf-free) options when they sell.

    If Ebid were to introduce a flat 3% fvf, then they will actually be generating MORE income, even taking into consideration that less than 1/3 of the fvf goes in cashback.

    The chance to earn cash back on purchases will bring new customers, and so Ebid will grow, and with this, so will the sellers profits.
    eBid has 622,280 users as I type.

    Why should my fvf go up to give the buyer cash back, I would rather it stay the same otherwise prices would have to go up, this would then mean that the buyer would not gain anything.

  5. #15
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    I repeat:

    This is how I see it:

    1. Auction site raises seller fees XX%
    2. Seller raises prices XX%
    3. Buyer purchases from seller and receives XX% back

    Who wins?

    No one as far as I can tell.


  6. #16
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    The only issues I have with this other than those mentioned, is that I have never heard of Big Crumbs, and how much of that percentage do they get from this. I assume they are not doing this out of the goodness of their hearts, and it is a business?

  7. #17
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    I tried Bigcrumbs for a while. It is kinda like a pyrimid scheme. Except the websites pay bigcrumbs to advertise. You make money by getting referals. you get a percentage of what they purchase and so on. I think you can have up to 5 levels of referals. Big waste of time if you ask me. So much work for so little money.

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