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Thread: Can't do my description at all now!

  1. #41
    Forum Diehard
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    Sorry but time just ran away with me and I've been playing catch-up with other stuff.

    Unfortunately, or fortunately, depending on your viewpoint - I've just gone in and successfully loaded an auction (on 'list similar,') with hardly any problems at all now.

    The item description box was there from the start, so I didn't need to use ctnl F5, although typing into the box was a little abstract because if I pressed return the cursor went to the top of the page not the bottom and also the font appeared to change.

    Whatever, I got something listed.

    But since it wasn't working last time I tried (Friday) have you done something at your end Gazza?

    If it helps, when it wasn't working properly it didn't matter where I tried to start an auction from: ie List Similar or List New (I've not had any problems when relisting but then I haven't revised the descriptions either).
    I don't have any 'add on's' or toolbars.
    I'm on windows XP, IE6, AVG free.

    If you need to know anything else, just ask.

  2. #42
    Forum Diehard
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    Just wondered what actually happened with all this.

    I can list now, but on some of my auctions (not all) when I go into list similar and write in the description, the writing jumps about on to different lines. Even when I get it laid out properly, when I press 'preview,' the wording is all over the place and not in order.

    Not a huge, huge, problem, but it would be nice to rectify it so I don't look too dim to potential customers!

  3. #43


    My description editor jumps around like crazy and makes any listing that requires a description loads of fun. I assumed it was my template.

    I use both foxfire 3.0.13 & the one before 3.0.13, and IE 7 & 8, Windows XP & Vista depending which computer I'm on. My big machine has loads of programs and junk. My laptop if the barest minimum used only for Pogo and listing.

    I use Google toolbar, but every now and again other toolbars such as Yahoo and MSN appear. Whenever I spot them I delete them.

    I hope that helps. It would be nice not to have to deal with a squirrelly cursor.
    I have new listings! Check them out!

    Everything I say can be fully substantiated by my own opinion.
    Fed up with paying to sell?

  4. #44
    Forum Diehard
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    Thing is Gibson, it doesn't do it on all the auctions!
    I can go into one and use 'sell similar,' and have no problems at all. Then next time use a different auction and it all goes squiffy!

    The sensible thing, I suppose, would be only to list new items from the auctions that aren't squiffy, but I don't find out until I'm actually writing in the description and by that time I don't feel like going back and trying to find another!

    Bottom line is, I think it must be something to do with the eBid system rather than anything I'm running. A few weeks ago I couldn't get to write a description at all (hence this thread) and then it reappeared so it must be something at Gazza's end that they are fiddling with.
    Gazza - things only get worse if you pick 'em.

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